V4l2Camera is an attempt to abstract the video4linux2 api into something more easily usable in a generic C++ application
- I set out, naively, to create cross-platorm support (Linux, MacOS, Windows) but soon realized the extent of that effort
- The linux version is "done", although I know there are lots of refinements possible/needed/required
- I think I see a path forward on the MacOS and Windows side of things after starting down a few interesting pathways (libuvc, libusb)
Low level camera control using (or emulating) the video4linux2 interface
Currently supporting Linux based systems (tested on Debian AMD64 and Raspbian ARM64 platforms)
- support planned for MacOS (via AVFoundation api), and
- Windows (via Media.Capture api)
Designed to support both command line and GUI based applications
Example code provided for command line application, sample application (binary-only) provided for GUI based application
Distributed as open-source under the MIT License
- -here- V4l2Camera Overview
- -here- API/Class Details
- -here- Command Line Example Code
- -here- camControl Cross Platform GUI app
- -here- Image Conversion Functions
- The v4l2camera class source code is distributed as open source under the MIT License
- If you use it and find it useful, drop me a line and let me know
- Provide attribution and a link back to the github repo so more people can find the code and use it (please)
- I have gained so much information from the open source community that I figured it was time to give back
- The camControl app is distributed free of charge on Linux platforms, all rights for this app remain with the developer
- will decide how to distribute the MacOS and Windows versions once they exist
- Makefile is absolutely generic, I spent time on the source code and know I could clean up the Makeifle, will get to it :)
- Currenly uses the gcc/g++ compiler and has been tested on Linux and MacOS (sort of)
- MacOS version has not attempted to include AVFoundation api so may require changes to use the LLVM compiler and different include paths
- Windows version has not been started
- Makefile will be updated to use native compiler on each platform (as required, would prefer to use gcc/g+ if possible)
- Dependent only on the std C++ library
- In progress, will (hopefully) be designed to work with the AVFoundation api
- In progress, will be designed to work with the Media.Capture api
- Download or clone the git repo (this repo)
$ git clone https://github.com/danlargo/v4l2Camera.git
- Run make in the source folder, this will create the example binary (v4l2cam) and create a distribution folder for inclusion in other apps (v4l2cam-dist)
$ cd v4l2camera
$ make
- Copy the distribution folder into the top level of your project
$ cp -r ./v4l2cam-dist ../myProject
Check out this link for help if command line tools are not installed - here
Verify the C++ command line tools are installed
- Open a Developer Power Shell from the Visual Studio app
- Tools -> Command Line -> Developer Power Shell
- change folder to v4l2camera
- run nmake
- Open a Developer Power Shell from the Visual Studio app
C:\...> cd v4l2camera
C:\...> dir
...should show the file structure for v4l2camera
c:\...> nmake
should build the v4l2camera library and command line files
- might say "nmake : The term 'nmake' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet...", which means the command line tools are not installed or not in the command path
Copy the distribution folder into the top level of your project
$ cp -r ./v4l2cam-dist ../myProject
#include "../linux/linuxcamera.h"
// generate a list of UVC cameras available in the system
std::vector<LinuxCamera*> camlist = LinuxCamera::DiscoverCameras();
if( camlist.size() == 0 ) std::cerr << "No Cameras in System??" << std::endl;
LinuxCamera * cam = camList[0];
if( !cam->open() ) std::cerr << "Camera is not accessible - Not Open" << std::endl;
// do stuff here
g++ -g -std=c++20 -o main.o main.c
g++ -g -o main main.o v4l2cam-dist/libv4l2cam-linux-arm64.a
- See command line example folder
- camControl is built to run in Linux AMD64 and ARM64 GUI environments
- built on Debian Linux (AMD64), and
- Raspbian, ARM64
- It is distributed on Linux platforms free of charge.
- Information I have collected around the internet regarding conversion from YUV imager formats to generic RGB32 bitmaps
- Here
Add better support for fourCC codes in Video modes
- currently lookup and display is managed via string version of fourCC code, which is not guarranteed to be unique
- fourCC convertion functions are provided in v4l2camera.cpp but not used in video mode queries and selection
Add User Control interface into example command line app (v4l2cam)
- User Controls are fully supported in the V4l2Camera class
MacOS support for V4l2Camera
- went down a few blind alleys...
- libucv here
- not unhappy with the api, but found it frustrating in that they still haven't dealt with the app permission issue on MacOS (which may not be solveable)
- libusb here
- for obvious reasons it felt like I was simply duplicating the libuvc effort
- QCamera (on Qt 6) here
- this effort proved the most frustrsating as I am using Qt as a cross platform GUI development environment (maybe that is my issue)
- Qt 6 is not supported on Raspbian, which is where the majority of my development is these days, Qt 5 does not support QCamera
- QCamera is able to fetch images from USB cameras on MacOS but has zero support for any User Controls
- I have a question ticket here into Qt Forum but have received no response
- This seems to be an issue that has existed for a while.
- libucv here
- Everything I am reading is pointing towards having to deal with the AVFoundation api from Apple.
- All documentation points to XCode and Swift/Objective-C
- I want to provide command line and GUI support for C++, so may be banging my head on a wall here
- I want to make sure to properly support the request and maintenance of proper user/device permissionsas well
- went down a few blind alleys...
MacOS build of camControl
- will use this an indication that the class library actually works on MacOS
Windows support
- looking at the Media.Capture api
- very preliminary
Windows build of camControl
- will use this an indication that the class library actually works on Windows