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danmaclean edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 1 revision


A Ruby gem for rendering genomic features quickly and easily in SVG format

SVGenes is a Ruby-language library that uses SVG primitives to render typical genomic glyphs through a simple and flexible Ruby interface.


This should be easy - the package is available as a gem. If you have an internet connection try:

gem install bio-svgenes

If this doesn't work try,

sudo gem install bio-svgenes

Basic use

  1. Design
  2. Setting up a page
  3. Adding a track
  4. Creating and adding features
  5. Writing the resulting SVG
  6. Styling features
    1. Available glyphs
    2. Setting basic styles: colours and outlines
    3. Setting advanced styles: gradients and arbitrary styles 4 . Height options for tracks
  7. Generating SVG from JSON configuration files
  8. File formats

1. Design

The library implements a simple Page object (a Bio::Graphics::Page object) that defines the whole drawing area. It carries the horizontal track objects (Bio::Graphics::Track objects). Tracks are the level at which visual information is supplied providing the full styling capability of the SVG standard. A glyph type is chosen for each track and all features in a track are rendered with the same glyph any of a selection of defined glyphs. The feature model within SVGenes is simple but flexible and not dependent on particular existing gene feature formats meaning graphics for any existing datasets can easily be created without need for conversion.

To bring the code into your script, load in the gem

require 'bio-svgenes'

2. Setting up a page

The first thing we need to do is set up the page object, a Bio::Graphics::Page instance. This defines the attributes of the page into which our features will be drawn.

p =
			 :width => 800, 
             :height => 200, 
             :number_of_intervals => 10

The :width attribute specifies the minimum width of the page and the :height attribute specifies the minimum height. Each of these will be increased if successful rendering requires more room than specified. The :number_of_intervals attributes specifies the number of segments to divide the scale into. A scale is always drawn.

3. Add a track to the page

Next, we need to add a track to the page. We do this with the Bio::Graphics::Page#add_track method. Glyphs are rendered within tracks and tracks define how those glyphs will be styled. In this example we create a generic block glyph.

generic_track = p.add_track(
	:glyph => :generic, 
	:name => 'generic_features', 
	:label => true  

The :name attribute allows us to define a name for the track and the :label attribute explicitly states whether the name should be written onto the track.

4. Create a MiniFeature object

Each of the features is represented by a Bio::Graphics::MiniFeature object. This is easily created:

mini_feature =
	:start => 923, 
	:end => 2212, 
	:strand => '+', 
	:id => "MyFeature"

The minimum information you need to provide for a feature is the start and end. In this example, we add a strand and an id for the feature.

Add the feature to the track

The feature now needs to be added to the track object to be considered during rendering, we use Bio::Graphics::Track#add for this.


5. Write the output to a file

This process is repeated for all the features and tracks you want to show in the final rendered figure. We then tell the page to render itself to a file.


6. Styling features

Selecting a style for the features in a track is done when you create the Bio::Graphics::Track object. The style information is applied to all features that appear in that track.

Available glyphs

A range of glyphs for features are used, namely

:generic, :directed, :transcript, :histogram, :circle, :down_triangle, :up_triangle, :span

These look like this

  • :generic generic glyph
  • :directed directed glyph
  • :transcript transcript glyph
  • :histogram histogram glyph
  • :circle circle glyph
  • :down_triangle down triangle glyph
  • :up_triangle up triangle glyph
  • :span span glyph

You can specify the glyph to use in the add_track() method for the page

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :generic

Providing enough feature information for the glyph

Different types of glyphs need different types of information to render the feature fully. :generic, :circle, :up_triangle, :down_triangle, :span glyphs need the minimum feature information, just a start and a stop. Start and end can be the same number if you want to specify a single nucleotide feature.

track = page.add_track(
 	:glyph => :circle

feature =
	:start => 100,
	:end => 200


In addition, the 'stranded' glyphs :directed and :transcript need a strand (+ will be assumed if none is provided).

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :circle

feature =
	:start => 100,
	:end => 200,
	:strand => '-'


The :histogram feature is a bit more complicated. Each bar in the histogram is a feature. It's width on the x-axis is specified by it's :start and :end as for the other features, but it has a :segment_height that specifies the bar-height

data_track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :histogram

data_feature =
	:start => 100,
	:end => 200,
	:segment_height => 30


Histogram bars can have overlapping or gapped start and end positions if needed.

Features to be rendered with the :transcript glyph need extra information. The exons and utrs are specified as even-numbered lists of start and stop positions.

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :transcript

feature =
	:start => 100,
	:end => 200,
	:strand => '-',
	:utrs => [100,110,90,200],
	:exons => [120,140,160,180]


Setting fill and outline colours

Fill and outline colours are specified when creating the track. Any HTML/SVG compatible colour string can be used, so rgb(125,123,0) or #ffff11 or goldenrod are all acceptable for each of the following attributes

:stroke_color is the outline colour of the glyph :stroke_width is the width of the outline of the glyph :fill_color is the fill colour of the glyph

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :directed,
    :stroke_color => 'black',
    :fill_color => 'gold',
    :stroke_width => '1',

Transcript glyphs can have separate colours for the exons and utrs, using :exon_fill_color and :utr_fill_color. The line joining them can be coloured with :line_color and you can decide to have an angled line by setting :gap_marker to "angled"

transcript_track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :transcript, 
    :exon_fill_color => 'green', 
    :utr_fill_color => 'blue', 
    :line_color => 'black', 
    :gap_marker => 'angled'

Setting gradients and arbitrary styles

A number of gradient styles are built-in and can be easily used as a fill colour for glyphs. Two basic types radial (which start from a white centre and fade to a colour) and horizontal (which start from white along the bottom edge and fade to a colour) are available in red, blue, yellow and green. The symbols for the attributes are

:red_white_radial, :green_white_radial, :blue_white_radial, :yellow_white_radial, :red_white_h, :green_white_h, :blue_white, :yellow_white_h

and are set as

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :directed,
	:stroke_color => 'black',
	:fill_color => :red_white_h

Arbitrary gradients can be built according to the SVG gradient rules (see SVG gradient linear and SVG gradient radial ) using a ruby-ish attributes hash.

my_gradient = {
	:radial => "grad1", 
	:cx => 50, 
	:cy => 50, 
	:r => 50, :fx => 50, :
	fy => 50, 
	:stops => [ 
			:offset => 0, 
			:color => 'rgb(255,255,255)', 
			:opacity => 0
				:offset => 100, 
				:color => 'rgb(0,0,255)', 
				:opacity => 1

simply pass this to the track :fill_color attribute.

track = page.add_track(
	:glyph => :directed,
	:stroke_color => 'black',
	:fill_color => my_gradient

The :style attribute can accept and use any arbitrarily complex SVG compliant style tag (see SVG styling ). A common use is to modify the opacity of glyphs

track = page.add_track(
		:glyph => :generic, 
		:style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"

Height options for tracks

The height of the glyphs may also be specified. Do this by setting the :feature_height attribute

track = page.add_track(
		:glyph => :generic, 
		:feature_height => 123

In data tracks (with the :histogram glyph) a maximum value for the y-scale can be specified that will be enforced and prevent the scale from being auto-calculated. This allows for easy comparison between multiple data tracks, use :max_y.

track = page.add_track(
		:glyph => :histogram, 
		:max_y => 1000

6. Generating SVG from JSON configuration files

It is also possible to generate the SVG from a JSON file containing the track information and a reference to file of features in GFF format or histogram data in a tab-delimited file. The following sample specifies the page and two tracks, one for features one for data. The new attributes file and file_type specify the file and file format respectively.

"Page":{"width":800, "height":800, "intervals":15},
"Tracks": [ 

The data file has a simple format, for each bar of the histogram specify one row with three columns

start, end, height

To generate the file, run the provided accessory script draw_from_json.rb which is found in the package examples folder. Find the folder the gem installed into with gem which bio-svgenes.