An PVR Kodi controller for when you want to simultaneously watch 4 televisions. You know, during March Madness! Uses bootstrap and websocket to control 4 separate Kodi instances and is formatted for use on an iPad.
- clone the code and use with a webserver (i.e. nginx)
- Set the variables (Kodi IP addresses, PVR channels, and colors) at the beginning of the script on index.html
- Pulls the data independently from all 4 Kodi instances
- Assumes the 4 desired channel names are the same for each Kodi instance
- Pulls channel data, EPG data, logos, active status, and volume information
- It's March Madness so we don't want to watch any game on more than 1 TV! If a channel is chosen that is already active on another TV, those two TVs swap channels
- Press a channel logo or EPG data to play that channel
- Press the blue box above or below a TV to listen to that TV
- Press the center logo to mute all TVs
- Press and hold the center logo to stop playback on all TVs and return their Kodi volumes to 100%
- Volume up and volume down buttons control the unmuted TV
Forks and pull requests are welcome!