A 4X civilization-style turn based strategy written in pure Java with Processing OpenGL/LWJGL for rendering
This game is in deep alpha. Expect lots of bugs, crashes, and general inconvenience.
Make a new project from source, which is cloned down from github.
Download Eclipse (https://eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/lunasr1a) and store it in a folder you can reach.
Run the eclipse purple ball application.
It will prompt you for a workspace folder; remember this location.
Go into git and clone the project down directly into the workspace (git clone https://github.com/dantetam/civgame.git).
Go to File > New > Java Project and it'll prompt you for a project name. Copy my project name exactly (it's the name of the cloned folder); it'll say "the wizard will configure the project automatically" or something like that. Create the project.
In the left side, the project will show up. Double click on it, then src > render > Game.java.
Run the project as an application by going to the Toolbar > Run > Run As > Java Application.
Have fun. There's a tutorial for the game.