Initial Implementation
This release introduces the initial version of PyORlib, a powerful Python library for operations research and optimization. PyORlib provides a set of abstractions to easily define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across different optimization packages. It serves as a user-friendly and powerful platform for students, researchers, and practitioners to explore optimization concepts, experiment with algorithms, and expand their knowledge.
- Implementation Details: The first implementation includes all the core functionalities of the package, encompassing built-in optimization package integrations, algebraic modeling, validators, and more.
- Testing and Coverage: This release includes a test suite that verifies the correctness of the package implementation. It also integrates code coverage, achieving 100% test coverage. The tests are configured to run automatically via GitHub Actions on both push and pull requests to the master branch.
- Formatter and Lint Configuration: A formatter and lint configuration have been added to the project. This ensures consistent code style, maintainability, and adherence to the established coding standards defined in the project documentation.
- Documentation: Additionally, this release includes comprehensive documentation for the package. The documentation covers the main page, a detailed getting started guide, examples, API reference, and release notes.
- Full Changelog: https://github.com/dapensoft/pyorlib/commits/0.1.0
- Contributors: @idapena, @mdapena