Stanford trees are everyone. They are coming to get you. Well at least when they are not partying or being hungover.
- Solidity
- React
The JSON file containing the ABI and address of our core smart contract is packaged as a Node module, so that we can easily import it from our front-end.
However, since this module is not published on NPM, here's how to setup your environment when you start developing on CryptoTrees (assuming your CWD is the root of this repository):
cd smart-contracts
npm link
cd ../front
npm install # if you haven't run it before
npm link cryptotrees-contracts
This will symlink the Node package exporting your contracts in the node_modules of the front-end app, which will enable live reload of the contracts whenever you re-deploy them on your local dev environment.
Once you have performed the setup steps above, open two terminal windows and run:
cd smart-contracts
truffle develop
(the above assumes you want to use truffle development console, but using Ganache is fine too)
cd front
npm start
A browser window should open. If it doesn't, your front-end should be exposed at http://localhost:3000