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put dynamic buffer test in dapp-test instead of hevm
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MrChico committed Sep 9, 2020
1 parent e353b86 commit 5b104f4
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Showing 9 changed files with 76 additions and 67 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/dapp-tests/bytes.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
contract Bytes
function f(bytes memory b1, bytes memory b2) public pure {
b1 = b2;
assert(b1[1] == b2[1]);
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/dapp-tests/integration/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ test_hevm_symbolic() {
solc --bin-runtime -o . --overwrite AB.sol
hevm equivalence --code-a $(<A.bin-runtime) --code-b $(<B.bin-runtime) --solver cvc4
rm -rf A.bin-runtime B.bin-runtime

# simple dynamic calldata example
solc --bin-runtime -o . --overwrite bytes.sol
timeout 2m hevm symbolic --code $(<Bytes.bin-runtime) --calldata-model DynamicCD

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dapp-tests/shell.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
pkgs.mkShell {
name = "dapp-tests";

buildInputs = with pkgs; [ killall cacert bashInteractive curl dapp gnumake hevm procps seth solc ];
buildInputs = with pkgs; [ coreutils killall cacert bashInteractive curl dapp gnumake hevm procps seth solc ];
59 changes: 36 additions & 23 deletions src/hevm/hevm-cli/hevm-cli.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@

module Main where

import EVM (StorageModel(..))
import EVM (StorageModel(..), CalldataModel(..))
import qualified EVM
import EVM.Concrete (createAddress, w256)
import EVM.Symbolic (forceLitBytes, litBytes, litAddr, w256lit, sw256, SymWord(..), Buffer(..), len)
import EVM.Symbolic (forceLitBytes, litBytes, litAddr, w256lit, sw256, SymWord(..), Buffer(..), len, Calldata(..))
import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule
import qualified EVM.Fetch
import qualified EVM.Flatten
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import Data.Text.IO (hPutStr)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.SBV hiding (Word, solver, verbose, name)
import qualified Data.SBV.List as SList
import qualified Data.SBV as SBV
import Data.SBV.Control hiding (Version, timeout, create)
import System.IO (hFlush, hPrint, stdout, stderr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,17 +111,18 @@ data Command w
, block :: w ::: Maybe W256 <?> "Block state is be fetched from"

-- symbolic execution opts
, jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String <?> "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)"
, dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String <?> "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )"
, storageModel :: w ::: Maybe StorageModel <?> "Select storage model: ConcreteS, SymbolicS (default) or InitialS"
, sig :: w ::: Maybe Text <?> "Signature of types to decode / encode"
, arg :: w ::: [String] <?> "Values to encode"
, debug :: w ::: Bool <?> "Run interactively"
, getModels :: w ::: Bool <?> "Print example testcase for each execution path"
, smttimeout :: w ::: Maybe Integer <?> "Timeout given to SMT solver in milliseconds (default: 20000)"
, maxIterations :: w ::: Maybe Integer <?> "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point"
, solver :: w ::: Maybe Text <?> "Used SMT solver: z3 (default) or cvc4"
, smtoutput :: w ::: Bool <?> "Print verbose smt output"
, jsonFile :: w ::: Maybe String <?> "Filename or path to dapp build output (default: out/*.solc.json)"
, dappRoot :: w ::: Maybe String <?> "Path to dapp project root directory (default: . )"
, storageModel :: w ::: Maybe StorageModel <?> "Select storage model: ConcreteS, SymbolicS (default) or InitialS"
, calldataModel :: w ::: Maybe CalldataModel <?> "Select calldata model: BoundedCD (default), or DynamicCD"
, sig :: w ::: Maybe Text <?> "Signature of types to decode / encode"
, arg :: w ::: [String] <?> "Values to encode"
, debug :: w ::: Bool <?> "Run interactively"
, getModels :: w ::: Bool <?> "Print example testcase for each execution path"
, smttimeout :: w ::: Maybe Integer <?> "Timeout given to SMT solver in milliseconds (default: 20000)"
, maxIterations :: w ::: Maybe Integer <?> "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point"
, solver :: w ::: Maybe Text <?> "Used SMT solver: z3 (default) or cvc4"
, smtoutput :: w ::: Bool <?> "Print verbose smt output"
| Equivalence -- prove equivalence between two programs
{ codeA :: w ::: ByteString <?> "Bytecode of the first program"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,7 +683,7 @@ vmFromCommand cmd = do
value' = word value 0
caller' = addr caller 0
origin' = addr origin 0
calldata' = ConcreteBuffer $ bytes calldata ""
calldata' = CalldataBuffer $ ConcreteBuffer $ bytes calldata ""
codeType = if create cmd then EVM.InitCode else EVM.RuntimeCode
address' = if create cmd
then createAddress origin' (word nonce 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -716,18 +718,29 @@ symvmFromCommand :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> Query EVM.VM
symvmFromCommand cmd = do
caller' <- maybe (SAddr <$> freshVar_) (return . litAddr) (caller cmd)
callvalue' <- maybe (sw256 <$> freshVar_) (return . w256lit) (value cmd)
calldata' <- case (calldata cmd, sig cmd) of
-- static calldata (up to 256 bytes)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> do
StaticSymBuffer <$> sbytes256
(calldata', preCond) <- case (calldata cmd, sig cmd, calldataModel cmd) of
-- dynamic calldata via smt lists
(Nothing, Nothing, Just DynamicCD) -> do
cd <- freshVar_
return (CalldataBuffer (DynamicSymBuffer cd),
SList.length cd .< 1000 .&&
sw256 (sFromIntegral (SList.length cd)) .< sw256 1000)

-- dynamic calldata via (bounded) haskell list
(Nothing, Nothing, _) -> do
cd <- sbytes256
len <- freshVar_
return (CalldataDynamic (cd, len), len .<= 256)

-- fully concrete calldata
(Just c, Nothing) ->
return $ ConcreteBuffer $ decipher c
(Just c, Nothing, _) ->
return (CalldataBuffer (ConcreteBuffer $ decipher c), sTrue)
-- calldata according to given abi with possible specializations from the `arg` list
(Nothing, Just sig') -> do
(Nothing, Just sig', _) -> do
method' <- io $ functionAbi sig'
let typs = snd <$> view methodInputs method'
StaticSymBuffer <$> staticCalldata (view methodSignature method') typs (arg cmd)
cd <- staticCalldata (view methodSignature method') typs (arg cmd)
return (CalldataBuffer (StaticSymBuffer cd), sTrue)

_ -> error "incompatible options: calldata and abi"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -773,7 +786,7 @@ symvmFromCommand cmd = do
(_, _, Nothing) ->
error $ "must provide at least (rpc + address) or code"

return vm
return $ vm & over EVM.pathConditions (<> [preCond])

decipher = hexByteString "bytes" . strip0x
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/hevm/src/EVM.hs
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Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ instance ParseField StorageModel

-- | Calldata can either by a normal buffer, or a custom "pseudo dynamic" encoding. See EVM.Symbolic for details
data CalldataModel
= BufferCD
= DynamicCD
| BoundedCD
deriving (Read, Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ copyCalldataToMemory (CalldataBuffer bf) size xOffset yOffset =
copyCalldataToMemory (CalldataDynamic (b, l)) size xOffset yOffset =
case (maybeLitWord size, maybeLitWord xOffset, maybeLitWord yOffset) of
(Just size', Just xOffset', Just yOffset') ->
copyBytesToMemory (StaticSymBuffer [ite (i .<= l) x 0 | (x, i) <- zip b [1..]]) size' xOffset' yOffset'
copyBytesToMemory (StaticSymBuffer [ite (i .<= l) x 0 | (x, i) <- zip b [1..]]) (litWord size') (litWord xOffset') (litWord yOffset')
_ ->
copyBytesToMemory (DynamicSymBuffer (subList (implode b) 0 (sFromIntegral l))) size xOffset yOffset

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hevm/src/EVM/Fetch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ checksat b = do push 1
b <- getInfo Name
m <- case b of
-- some custom strategies for z3 which have proven to be quite useful (can still be tweaked)
Resp_Name "Z3" -> checkSatUsing "(check-sat-using (then (using-params simplify :cache-all true) smt))"
Resp_Name "Z3" -> checkSatUsing "(check-sat-using (then (using-params simplify :push_ite_bv true :ite_extra_rules true) smt))"
_ -> checkSat
pop 1
return m
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/hevm/src/EVM/SymExec.hs
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Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ abstractVM :: Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> ByteString -> StorageModel
abstractVM typesignature concreteArgs x storagemodel calldatamodel = do
(cd',pathCond) <- case typesignature of
Nothing -> case calldatamodel of
BufferCD -> do
DynamicCD -> do
list <- freshVar_
return (CalldataBuffer (DynamicSymBuffer list),
-- due to some current z3 shenanegans (possibly related to:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ maxIterationsReached vm (Just maxIter) =
type Precondition = VM -> SBool
type Postcondition = (VM, VM) -> SBool

checkAssertBuffer :: ByteString -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
checkAssertBuffer c = verifyContract c Nothing [] SymbolicS BufferCD (const sTrue) (Just checkAssertions)
checkAssertDynamic :: ByteString -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
checkAssertDynamic c = verifyContract c Nothing [] SymbolicS DynamicCD (const sTrue) (Just checkAssertions)

checkAssert :: ByteString -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> Query (Either (VM, [VM]) VM)
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/hevm/src/EVM/Symbolic.hs
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ forceLitBytes = BS.pack . fmap (fromSized . fromJust . unliteral)

forceBuffer :: Buffer -> ByteString
forceBuffer (ConcreteBuffer b) = b
forceBuffer (SymbolicBuffer b) = forceLitBytes b
forceBuffer (StaticSymBuffer b) = forceLitBytes b
forceBuffer (DynamicSymBuffer b) = case unliteral b of
Just b' -> BS.pack $ fmap fromSized b'
Nothing -> error "unexpected symbolic argument"

-- | Arithmetic operations on SymWord

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,13 +349,13 @@ readByteOrZero i (StaticSymBuffer bs) = readByteOrZero' i bs
readByteOrZero i (ConcreteBuffer bs) = num $ Concrete.readByteOrZero i bs
readByteOrZero i (DynamicSymBuffer bs) = readByteOrZero'' (literal $ num i) bs

-- pad up to 10000 bytes in the dynamic case
-- pad up to 1000 bytes in the dynamic case
sliceWithZero :: SymWord -> SymWord -> Buffer -> Buffer
sliceWithZero (S _ o) (S _ s) bf = case (unliteral o, unliteral s, bf) of
(Just o', Just s', StaticSymBuffer m) -> StaticSymBuffer (sliceWithZero' (num o') (num s') m)
(Just o', Just s', ConcreteBuffer m) -> ConcreteBuffer (Concrete.byteStringSliceWithDefaultZeroes (num o') (num s') m)
(Just o', Just s', m) -> truncpad' (num s') (ditch (num o') m)
_ -> DynamicSymBuffer $ SL.subList (dynamize bf .++ literal (replicate 10000 0)) (sFromIntegral o) (sFromIntegral s)
_ -> DynamicSymBuffer $ SL.subList (dynamize bf .++ literal (replicate 1000 0)) (sFromIntegral o) (sFromIntegral s)

writeMemory :: Buffer -> SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord -> Buffer -> Buffer
writeMemory bs1 n src dst bs0 =
Expand Down
50 changes: 16 additions & 34 deletions src/hevm/test/test.hs
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Expand Up @@ -558,9 +558,9 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "hevm"
Right counterexample <- runSMTWith cvc4 $ query $ checkAssert c (Just ("f(uint256,uint256)", [AbiUIntType 256, AbiUIntType 256])) []
putStrLn $ "found counterexample:"


testCase "multiple contracts" $ do
testCase "multiple contracts" $ do
let code =
contract C {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,46 +589,28 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "hevm"
set (Symbolic store)))
verify vm Nothing Nothing (Just checkAssertions)
putStrLn $ "found counterexample:"
-- ,
-- testCase "dynamic bytes (calldataload)" $ do
-- Just c <- solcRuntime "C"
-- [i|
-- contract C
-- {
-- function f() public pure {
-- uint y;
-- uint z;
-- assembly {
-- y := calldataload(12)
-- z := calldataload(31)
-- }
-- assert(y == z);
-- }
-- }
-- |]
-- -- should find a counterexample
-- Right cex <- runSMTWith z3 $ do
-- query $ checkAssert c Nothing []
-- putStrLn $ "found counterexample"

-- ,
testCase "dynamic bytes (abi decoding)" $ do
testCase "dynamic bytes (calldataload)" $ do
Just c <- solcRuntime "C"
contract C
function f(bytes memory b1, bytes memory b2) public pure {
b1 = b2;
assert(b1[1] == b2[1]);
function f() public pure {
uint y;
uint z;
assembly {
y := calldataload(12)
z := calldataload(31)
assert(y == z);
-- should find a counterexample
Left (_, res) <- runSMTWith z3{verbose=True} $ do
-- setTimeOut 20000
query $ checkAssertBuffer c
putStrLn $ "successfully explored: " <> show (length res) <> " paths"
Right cex <- runSMTWith z3 $ do
query $ checkAssert c Nothing []
putStrLn $ "found counterexample"

, testGroup "Equivalence checking"
Expand Down

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