A collection of usefull scripts.
diskcheck.sh - Check the disk usage threshold and send an alert email.
gstatus.sh - Find subdirectories containing git repositories and print the status of each repository.
jdkenv - A script to allow easy configuration of java jdk or jre environment by setting the PATH and JAVA_HOME from a selection of java environments. Does a clean up of the PATH to avoid invalid path elements.
sshd-fwscan.sh - Tail auth.log and add the host of invalid login attempts to the packet filter for blocking. The hosts of successful logins are not blocked.
vbox_restart_pm_utils - Reboot a virtualbox guest on resume from pm-suspend to resynchronize the clock on the guest host.
zfsDup.sh - Allow recursive duplication of filesystems to a remote host. The parent and child filesystem snapshot versions are verified with the remote destination. Implemented with zfs send/receive over ssh. Each child filesystem is transmitted independently to improve transmission efficiency in the case of network outages/errors. ie zfs send/receive does not resume a transmission but restarts the transmission of a filesystem from the beginning. ie Failure during the duplication of a filesystem composed of small child filesystems, will only re-transmit the data for the child filesystem in the process of duplicating, at the point in time of the network failure.