Amount of records during test: ~100000
- index form and list (only ten items)/deposit POST
- insert single record/stats
- displays the result of a query with group by numeric index field
Execute docker compose up -d
and that's all, after that service can be accessed on http://localhost:8080
run --rm -t --network="siege_test_default" -v /Path/to/project/siege_test/urls:/etc/urls yokogawa/siege -d1 -t1M -c25 -i -f /etc/urls/urls.txt
Urls for test:
http://app/deposit POST name=test&type=Cat&weight=10&age=5
http://app/deposit POST name=test&type=Mouse&weight=2&age=2
http://app/deposit POST name=test&type=Dog&weight=10&age=5
http://app/deposit POST name=test&type=Turtle&weight=10&age=5