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Hello and welcome to the QuickCheck tutorial. This project will present the introduction to QuickCheck from basic stuff to the more advanced. We will be covering QuickCheck 2.16. version so if you have some other version be aware that some parts of code might not work.
First of all, you have to install QuickCheck and that can be easily done with the following command.
cabal install QuickCheck
After that, you can import QuickCheck into Haskell using import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
First of all, I assume that you don't know anything about QuickCheck, so QuickCheck is a really awesome library used for testing. It is one of the most popular Haskell libraries and part of the reason why functional programming has mattered. In short, we want to express some property and QuickCheck try to prove it wrong. For example:
isSumCommutative :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isSumCommutative a b = a + b == b + a
So we express some property with a function which always return bool value. It should return always True
, but if doesn't QuickCheck will warn you about that error. So how can we test if function isSumCommutative
or the property which is the function expressing always True
? By using the following code sample.
Q.quickCheck isSumCommutative
That should exit with the following message: +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
If you get that message great, you just did your first test using QuickCheck, if not please consider retaking the previous steps again or contact me.
If we would use this function we would get:
absIsNothing :: Int -> Bool
absIsNothing x = abs x == x -- or point free ap (==) abs
The command Q.quickCheck absIsNothing
you should get the message something like this:
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 2 tests):
The test shouldn't be the same because QuickCheck generates random tests on which will try to disapprove your property.
Ok, we saw how QuickCheck works on really simple function. Now let's try to take it further. As we said above QuickCheck generates random test cases, 100 of them is the default value. The first question should be how does the QuickCheck generate those random tests. To generate a random value of type a, we need a generator for values of that type: Gen a
. The default generator for values of any type is arbitrary
, which is a method of QuickCheck's Arbitrary type class. So generate function looks like this:
generate :: Gen a -> IO a
We can see it on a few examples:
Prelude Q> Q.generate Q.arbitrary :: IO Int
Prelude Q> Q.generate Q.arbitrary :: IO Double
Prelude Q> Q.generate Q.arbitrary :: IO [Int]
Prelude Q> Q.generate Q.arbitrary :: IO [Maybe Bool]
[Nothing,Just True,Just True,Just True]
Prelude Q> Q.generate Q.arbitrary :: IO (Either Int Char)
Right '('
QuickCheck also providers us with several functions that we can use to generate random values in our own instances of Arbitrary. For example:
choose :: Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
And if we want to dice a cube, we have:
dice :: Gen Int
dice = choose (1, 6)
So, if you want to roll it just call generate dice
. Because dice is a generator of the random values and generate
takes it and transform it into IO
For example, we have a data structure like this:
data Day = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
If we want to make a similar function like dice
above we can try something like this:
Prelude Q> Q.choose (Monday, Friday)
<interactive>:23:89: error:
• Can't make a derived instance of ‘System.Random.Random Day’:
‘System.Random.Random’ is not a stock derivable class (Eq, Show, etc.)
Try enabling DeriveAnyClass
• In the data declaration for ‘Day’
You probably can see the reason why the upper code produced an error. We had to make the following code:
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
import System.Random
data Day = Monday | Tuesday | Wendsday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Random Day where
randomR (a,b) g = (toEnum $ fst $ randomR (n1, n2) g, g)
where n1 = fromEnum a
n2 = fromEnum b
random g = randomR (minBound, maxBound) g
getDay :: IO Day
getDay = Q.generate $ Q.choose (Monday, Friday)
We have to define functions randomR
and random
which works like the setting the distribution probability of your data. In the upper case, you can see that we use uniform distribution. Another examples how to implement this can be found in src folder.
In the previous chapters, we saw that QuickCheck randomly selects test examples based on the given generator. But, what if we want to have some data structure in which second data is depended on the first one. So let's say we have (Int, Int)
and we want that first value is lower or equal to the second one, and we want that QuickCheck creates only test examples that satisfied that condition.
checkMax :: Int -> Int -> Q.Property
checkMax x y = x <= y Q.==> max x y == y
We can imgaine that like this: if condition is valid ==> check if the proptery is valid. Other examples can be found in the src directory.
QuickCheck introduces a type class Arbitrary
with the following structure.
class Arbitrary a where
arbitrary :: Gen a
Here we can see Gen a, which we mentioned above, but let's remember ourself. Gen a is an abstract type representing a generator for type a. Programmer can used one built in QuickCheck or built a custom generator like we did above. Gen a
is defined like this:
netype Gen a = Gen (Rand -> a)
, where Rand
is a random number seed, so on the upper function we can look like a generator of a type a. Gen is also an instance of Haskell's class Monad
because we need to build complex generators from simpler ones ( bind operator). So now let's try to define a generator for pair.
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (a, b) where
arbitrary = liftM2 (,) arbitrary arbitrary
One also usefull function from QuickCheck is sized
which can be used to construct generators that depend on a size parameter.
sized :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
So, let's try to generate a random list using the sized
randomList :: Arbitrary a => Gen [a]
randomList = sized $ (\n -> do
day <- getDay
sequence [ arbitrary |