Go Sample project to implement MySQL CRUD operation for a book store management
A production ready sample Book store RESTful API with Go using gorilla/mux with Mysql (relational Database). This Project contains a golang implementation of basic API endpoints that can be tested using POSTMAN
Step 1: Create the Docker image according to Dockerfile. Ensure docker-compose is installed on your build system. For details on how to do this, see: Docker compose
This may take a few minutes. In the root directory /darkRose173/book-store-api run the command:
$ docker compose build --no-cache
This will create two containers in background for Go and Mysql respectively The verification of installation of the same can be verified in the docker Desktop application
Step 2: Run the application, starting both the MySQL database and the API containers
$ docker compose up
Step 3: Open a webpage and access the following API endpoint.
Response: API endpoint above returns the collection of all the books stored in the database (200 OK)
GET, PUT, POST, DELETE API's can be tested using POSTMAN API
/api/books/ GET : Retrieves all the books stored in the database
/api/books/ POST : Creates a new entry of a book
/api/books/{id} DELETE : Deletes an entry of a book with ID
/api/books/{id} PUT : To update a book entry with ID
gorilla/mux is being used to setup for routing. It provides some powerful feature like grouping/middleware/handler etc. Gorilla Mux
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/api/books/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
r.HandleFunc("/api/books/{id}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
Mysql is being used as database database/sql and MySQL-driver module to create and manage database connection
This extension waits for the database port to be set-up and then runs the API wait-for{id}
main.go -> Main Go application with API endpoints
book-store.sql -> MySQL database for the book-store (ID, Title, ISBN & Author)
Docker files
api.Dockerfile -> Commands to instal the required dependencies and run the GO application
db.Dockerfile -> .sql file migration to the database
docker-compose.yml -> Database and API container specification, MySQL database authentication and command to run the mysql database
entrypoint.sh -> bash file running wait-for extension that waits for the database port to set up before running the API