In this repository, I will provide an overview of the Turso SDK in the PHP ecosystem that I have developed, along with example repositories.
Installer Script for Turso / libSQL Extension for PHP. The Easy way to install, update, or uninstall libSQL Native Extension in PHP.
- Turso Client PHP - Turso + PHP - libSQL Extension for PHP
- Turso Client HTTP - The PHP library for Turso over HTTP
The Turso Platform API Library is a PHP library that provides a simple and efficient way to interact with the Turso Platform API. The library allows you to manage groups, locations, and extensions, and provides a robust error handling system.
Here is the list of Laravel packages that I have created.
- Turso Driver Laravel - Turso Driver for Laravel with Native libSQL (Required)
- Turso HTTP Laravel - Turso / libSQL HTTP SDK for Laravel
- Turso Laravel Tenancy - Example Tenancy for Laravel Starter with Turso Driver Laravel (Required)
- Turso + Laravel + Jetstream - Example Laravel Jetstream Starter with Turso Driver Laravel (Required)
- Turso + Laravel + Breeze - Example Laravel Breeze Starter with Turso Driver Laravel (Required)
Here is the list of Symfony packages that I have created.
- Turso Doctrine DBAL - A LibSQL Driver for Doctrine DBAL with Native libSQL (Required)
- PHP Todo List Doctrine DBAL - A PHP Todo CLI app (Required)
- Symfony Rest API CRUD - Example Symfony - Rest API CRUD (Required)
— darkterminal / panggilmeiam (Software Freestyle Engineer), btw —
People call me "crazy" and that's true. Because I work Full-time for Open Source
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