- Soohwan Park
- Person List, City Tours
- YouTube Search
- Weather Finder
Person List
- A basic page with a list of people and their descriptions
- What did I learn?
- What are components
- What is JSX
- Cemented my CSS skills
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuSoqDEkH90
City Tours
- More complex components than Person List
- NavBar
- Removing a component from a list
- What did I learn?
- ES6
- Arrow Functions
- Use of "this.state"
- Further cemented CSS
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfJjzmSaLuQ
- More complex components than Person List
- Assignment from CS 52
- What did I learn?
- State and Props
- Slightly confusing at this point
- Used YouTube API
- State and Props
- http://cs52.me/assignments/sa/react-videos/
- What did I learn?
- Reading API weather data from another file and on the web
- Clarified the distinction between state and props and their respective uses
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=204C9yNeOYI&t=587s
- What did I learn?
- Learned that I dislike CSS and that I need to further build on my current skillset
- HTML Version: https://www.unmaskedproject.com/
- Working React Version in the folder