A required library for the Dartup alpha. That gives you the runtime configuration to run your service on the Dartup platform.
Most of these functions have arguments in from of default argument that is used when not running on the Dartup platform.
- bool onDartup() Returns true if running on Dartup
- int httpPort(defaultPort) return port you need listen to get traffic from the proxy.
- String httpAddress(defaultAddress) return ip you need to listen get traffic from the proxy.
- Future bind(defaultAddress,defaultPort) a convenient Dartup version of HttpServer.bind
- String mainDomain() get the domain you are configured as. Only works if onDartup is true.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dartup/dartup.dart' as dartup;
main() async{
HttpServer server = await dartup.bind('localhost',8080);
server.listen((HttpRequest request){
request.response.write('Hello world from Dartup');
request.response.write('Hello world');