- Understand how to implement conditional rendering
- Apply nested components
Reading: Read through this readme, take a look at the application overview section to understand how the React components are connected to each other. Carefully read through the User Stories to understand the features you need to create, the acceptance criteria is like a checklist where everything should be checked off to ensure you have completed the feature. This exercise also contains a testing suite - when you first open the project up, run the test suite in your terminal and read the failure messages. Those failure messages will help guide you to correctly building the solution. Make sure you write all of the code neccesary to make all of the tests pass and have completed all of the User Stories.
Initial setup:
npm install
Run the app: In a new terminal tab, start the application with
npm start
Run the test suite:
npm test
Make sure you
Minimum Requirements:
Make all tests pass
Make sure you complete all of the user stories (not everything is covered by the test suite!)
Look at the style.css and assign the appropriate classes/id's to the components
Advanced Content:
Refactor your asyncronous code to use promises
Implement buzz-in local multiplayer with multiple scoreboards.
Add CSS animations to handle the transitions between conditional renderings
Devise a way for a user to request all the clues from a particular day
Then, add the ability to request clues from categories
Create a replay feature to capture the most exciting moments of your multiplayer games.
Use redux to manage application state.
Below is a flow chart that illustrates how the components in this application are connected.
Please note how some components are nested in other components. Your data should also flow in the direction of the arrows,from parent to child.
As a player, when I start the game, I should be able to see the GAMEBOARD, SCOREBOARD, and RESPONSE so that I can play the game
Acceptance criteria:
- Displays GAMEBOARD (use testdata.js)
- Includes CATEGORIES (with correct info), each displays CATEGORY
- CATEGORY by default should list CLUES with their $ value
- Should default to $0
- Should only accept a response when a CLUE is selected
As a player, I want to click on a CLUE (e.g. $200) so that I can view the question(CLUE) and try to answer it
Acceptance criteria:
- Replaces GAMEBOARD with CLUE question when ($)CLUE is clicked
- Displays RESPONSE
- Should show a response input
- Should switch back to full GAMEBOARD when reponse is submitted
- After submitting a response: does not show CLUE dollar value when displaying CATEGORIES
As a player, I want to get scored on the answer that I submit, so that I know how I am doing
Acceptance criteria:
- Should submit response when user hits the enter key
- Should switch back to GAMEBOARD when reponse is submitted
- GAMEBOARD does not show CLUE dollar value when displaying CATEGORIES
- Updates score after response based on correct / incorrect answer
Entering a reponse:
After submitting a reponse:
As a player, I want my CLUES to be sourced from an external API, so that I always have the newest questions
Acceptance criteria:
- Displays CATEGORIES and CLUES from (http://jservice.io/)
- Gets CATEGORY ids, and CLUES for each category id