Finds paths from A to B for Lord of the Rings Online, considering only the usage of stables.
usage: [-h] [source] [destination] [number]
Provide a source, destination, and desired number of results (number)
positional arguments:
source Stable to leave from
destination Stable to arrive at
number Number of results to return (default: 5)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
If you do not provide arguments you will be prompted for them as per below example.
python .\
From: esteldin
To: ost rimmon
Number of results: 5
85 paths found:
1) (5 hops) esteldin -> west bree -> south bree -> minas tirith -> ost rimmon
2) (5 hops) esteldin -> west bree -> south bree -> aldburg -> ost rimmon
3) (5 hops) esteldin -> rivendell stables -> south bree -> minas tirith -> ost rimmon
4) (5 hops) esteldin -> rivendell stables -> south bree -> aldburg -> ost rimmon
5) (5 hops) esteldin -> rivendell stables -> zidir-nesad -> minas tirith -> ost rimmon
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