Dash Wallet 6.6.3
1401 commits
to master
since this release
- Use DashJ 0.16.4
- Reduces memory usage (This will help reduce overall memory usage slightly for Krip phones)
- Fixes several crashes related to installing and resetting the blockchain.
- Reduces startup time of the app on slower devices (blank white screen appears during that time)
- Fix several Fingerprint issues
- If a user adds or removes a fingerprint in android settings, the app will now let the user reset the fingerprint after entering the PIN. In previous versions it was necessary to go to the Safety / Change PIN menu and after this process, the app would ask to set up the fingerprint scanning.
- There was another fingerprint related issue where the app would crash after scanning a fingerprint
- Large numbers have separators (e.g. 1,999.00 instead of 1999.00)
- Update Translations (mainly for the Uphold Log out feature added in 6.6.3)
Known issues:
- Some users have reported delayed sending, where after pressing the send button the app takes 30 seconds to send the transaction.
TestNet App: This app is not available - There are several bugs that need to be fixed on it related to connectivity