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Merge pull request #664 from Syn-McJ/feat/coinjoin-mixing-info
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feat(coinjoin): wallet integration & mixing information
  • Loading branch information
Syn-McJ authored Sep 16, 2024
2 parents 1851cf5 + 5ab861d commit f9744cd
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,179 additions and 565 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DashSyncCurrentCommit
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
68 changes: 46 additions & 22 deletions DashWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"images" : [
"filename" : "",
"idiom" : "universal",
"scale" : "1x"
"filename" : "[email protected]",
"idiom" : "universal",
"scale" : "2x"
"filename" : "[email protected]",
"idiom" : "universal",
"scale" : "3x"
"info" : {
"author" : "xcode",
"version" : 1
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions DashWallet/Sources/Models/CoinJoin/CoinJoinService.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
// Created by Andrei Ashikhmin
// Copyright © 2024 Dash Core Group. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import Foundation
import Combine

enum MixingStatus: Int {
case notStarted
case mixing
case paused
case finished
case error

var isInProgress: Bool {
get {
return self == .mixing || self == .paused || self == .error

var localizedValue: String {
get {
switch self {
case .notStarted:
NSLocalizedString("Not started", comment: "CoinJoin")
case .mixing:
NSLocalizedString("Mixing ·", comment: "CoinJoin")
case .paused:
NSLocalizedString("Mixing Paused ·", comment: "CoinJoin")
case .finished:
NSLocalizedString("Fully mixed", comment: "CoinJoin")
case .error:
NSLocalizedString("Error ·", comment: "CoinJoin")

enum CoinJoinMode {
case none
case intermediate
case advanced

private let kDefaultMultisession = false // for stability, need to investigate
private let kDefaultRounds: Int32 = 1 //4 TODO
private let kDefaultSessions: Int32 = 1 //6 TODO
private let kDefaultDenominationGoal: Int32 = 50
private let kDefaultDenominationHardcap: Int32 = 300
private let kCoinJoinMode = "coinJoinModeKey"

class CoinJoinService: NSObject {
static let shared: CoinJoinService = {
return CoinJoinService()

private var cancellableBag = Set<AnyCancellable>()
private let updateMutex = NSLock()
private let updateMixingStateMutex = NSLock()
private var coinJoinManager: DSCoinJoinManager? = nil
private var hasAnonymizableBalance: Bool = false
private var networkStatus: NetworkStatus = .online

@Published private(set) var mode: CoinJoinMode = .none
@Published var mixingState: MixingStatus = .notStarted
@Published private(set) var progress: Double = 0.0
@Published private(set) var totalBalance: UInt64 = 0
@Published private(set) var coinJoinBalance: UInt64 = 0
@Published private(set) var activeSessions: Int = 0

override init() {
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSNotification.Name.DSWalletBalanceDidChange)
.sink { [weak self] _ in self?.updateBalance(balance: DWEnvironment.sharedInstance().currentAccount.balance) }
.store(in: &cancellableBag)

func updateMode(mode: CoinJoinMode) {
self.coinJoinManager?.updateOptions(withEnabled: mode != .none)
let account = DWEnvironment.sharedInstance().currentAccount
let balance = account.balance

if (mode != .none && self.mode == .none) {
configureMixing(amount: balance)

updateBalance(balance: balance)
// TODO: timeskew
updateState(balance: balance, mode: mode, timeSkew: TimeInterval(0), hasAnonymizableBalance: self.hasAnonymizableBalance, networkStatus: self.networkStatus, chain: DWEnvironment.sharedInstance().currentChain)

private func prepareMixing() {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager ?? createCoinJoinManager() else { return }


private func startMixing() {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager else { return }

if !coinJoinManager.startMixing() {
print("[SW] CoinJoin: Mixing has been started already.")
} else {

DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: Mixing \(coinJoinManager.startMixing() ? "started successfully" : "start failed, will retry")") // TODO: failed statuses: \(coinJoinManager.statuses)

private func configureMixing(amount: UInt64) {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager ?? createCoinJoinManager() else { return }

let rounds: Int32
switch mode {
case .none:
case .intermediate:
rounds = kDefaultRounds
case .advanced:
rounds = kDefaultRounds * 2

coinJoinManager.configureMixing(withAmount: amount, rounds: rounds, sessions: kDefaultSessions, withMultisession: kDefaultMultisession, denominationGoal: kDefaultDenominationGoal, denominationHardCap: kDefaultDenominationHardcap)

private func updateProgress() {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager else { return }
self.progress = coinJoinManager.getMixingProgress()
let coinJoinBalance = coinJoinManager.getBalance()
self.totalBalance = coinJoinBalance.myTrusted
self.coinJoinBalance = coinJoinBalance.anonymized

private func createCoinJoinManager() -> DSCoinJoinManager? {
self.coinJoinManager = DSCoinJoinManager.sharedInstance(for: DWEnvironment().currentChain)
coinJoinManager?.managerDelegate = self
return self.coinJoinManager

private func synchronized(_ lock: NSLock, closure: () -> Void) {
defer { lock.unlock() }

private func updateBalance(balance: UInt64) {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager else { return }

coinJoinManager.updateOptions(withAmount: balance)
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: total balance: \(balance)")
let canDenominate = coinJoinManager.doAutomaticDenominating(withDryRun: true)

let coinJoinBalance = coinJoinManager.getBalance()
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: mixed balance: \(coinJoinBalance.anonymized)")

let anonBalance = coinJoinManager.getAnonymizableBalance(withSkipDenominated: false, skipUnconfirmed: false)
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: anonymizable balance \(anonBalance)")

let smallestDenomination = coinJoinManager.getSmallestDenomination()
let hasPartiallyMixedCoins = (coinJoinBalance.denominatedTrusted - coinJoinBalance.anonymized) > 0
let hasAnonymizableBalance = anonBalance > smallestDenomination
let hasBalanceLeftToMix: Bool

if hasPartiallyMixedCoins {
hasBalanceLeftToMix = true
} else if hasAnonymizableBalance && canDenominate {
hasBalanceLeftToMix = true
} else {
hasBalanceLeftToMix = false

DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: can mix balance: \(hasBalanceLeftToMix) = balance: (\(anonBalance > smallestDenomination) && canDenominate: \(canDenominate)) || partially-mixed: \(hasPartiallyMixedCoins)")

balance: balance,
mode: self.mode,
timeSkew: TimeInterval(0), // TODO
hasAnonymizableBalance: hasBalanceLeftToMix,
networkStatus: self.networkStatus,
chain: DWEnvironment.sharedInstance().currentChain

private func stopMixing() {
self.coinJoinManager?.managerDelegate = nil

private func updateState(
balance: UInt64,
mode: CoinJoinMode,
timeSkew: TimeInterval,
hasAnonymizableBalance: Bool,
networkStatus: NetworkStatus,
chain: DSChain
) {
synchronized(self.updateMutex) {
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: \(mode), \(timeSkew) ms, \(hasAnonymizableBalance), \(networkStatus), synced: \(chain.chainManager!.isSynced)")

self.networkStatus = networkStatus
self.hasAnonymizableBalance = hasAnonymizableBalance
self.mode = mode
// self.timeSkew = timeSkew

if mode == .none /*|| !isInsideTimeSkewBounds(timeSkew) || blockchainState.replaying*/ { // TODO
updateMixingState(state: .notStarted)
} else {
configureMixing(amount: balance)

if hasAnonymizableBalance {
if networkStatus == .online && chain.chainManager!.isSynced {
updateMixingState(state: .mixing)
} else {
updateMixingState(state: .paused)
} else {
updateMixingState(state: .finished)


private func updateMixingState(state: MixingStatus) {
synchronized(self.updateMixingStateMutex) {
let previousMixingStatus = self.mixingState
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: \(previousMixingStatus) -> \(state)")

if previousMixingStatus == .paused && state != .paused {
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: moving from paused to \(state)")

self.mixingState = state

if state == .mixing && previousMixingStatus != .mixing {
// start mixing
} else if previousMixingStatus == .mixing && state != .mixing {
// finish mixing

extension CoinJoinService: DSCoinJoinManagerDelegate {
func sessionStarted(withId baseId: Int32, clientSessionId clientId: UInt256, denomination denom: UInt32, poolState state: PoolState, poolMessage message: PoolMessage, ipAddress address: UInt128, isJoined joined: Bool) {

func sessionComplete(withId baseId: Int32, clientSessionId clientId: UInt256, denomination denom: UInt32, poolState state: PoolState, poolMessage message: PoolMessage, ipAddress address: UInt128, isJoined joined: Bool) {

func mixingStarted() { }

func mixingComplete(_ withError: Bool) {
if withError {
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: Mixing Error. \(progress)% mixed")
} else {
DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: Mixing Complete. \(progress)% mixed")

self.updateMixingState(state: withError ? .error : .finished) // TODO: paused?

func transactionProcessed(withId txId: UInt256, type: CoinJoinTransactionType) {

private func updateActiveSessions() {
guard let coinJoinManager = self.coinJoinManager else { return }

let activeSessions = coinJoinManager.getActiveSessionCount()
self.activeSessions = Int(activeSessions)

DSLogger.log("[SW] CoinJoin: Active sessions: \(activeSessions)")


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