The premier open-source coffeeshop.
In 1969, James Wu and Jeffrey Wang met at the inaugural PennApps, the first of many programming conventions. At the time, PennApps only lasted 8 hours, but that was more than enough time to spawn a glorious partnership between the two men. As the two joined forces and bonded through successive hackathons, their team grew. Over the years, Aman Agarwal, Calvin Chan, Daniel Duan, and Kenny Shi also joined the team.
The team was unstoppable, and wanted to share their success with their community back home. After finally moving out of their college dormitory at UCLA, they decided to turn their apartment complex into a general purpose hacker-space. Their initial meetups spawned so much talent, they wanted to establish a coffee shop to officialize their social gatherings.
We will continue to serve as a birthplace for great ideas this Fall 2014.