What's Changed
- Ajout PersonaOgre et CarConfiguration by @PieR-E in #1
- ajout connexion avec db postgres, 1er lien entre une route, un controller , une requête sql et le renvoie du résultat by @Vladou73 in #2
- create config folder and move database.js into it by @remi-boivin in #4
- Add docker config by @remi-boivin in #5
- Feature/#2 implement sequelize by @Vladou73 in #7
- added sequelize model PlaneConsumption by @Vladou73 in #8
- Features/#5 archi tests by @remi-boivin in #9
- Features/#23 use sequelize run migrations by @remi-boivin in #10
- Features/#24 create crud by @remi-boivin in #11
- Fix/#29 enable body parser by @Vladou73 in #12
- change relation between table player and other consumption tables by @Vladou73 in #13
- Feature/#11 add electric car to car consumption model by @Vladou73 in #14
- Feature/#3 windturbineonshore model by @TCateland in #19
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md by @remi-boivin in #17
- Add pull request template by @remi-boivin in #6
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT by @remi-boivin in #16
- Add issue templates by @remi-boivin in #18
- Added front end skeleton by @antoine-sii in #21
- add readme by @remi-boivin in #22
- small fixes in config file example & readmes by @Vladou73 in #23
- adapted code of backend application and deployed on Heroku by @Vladou73 in #24
- premiers tests mocha / route READ de l'api by @felixbarriere in #25
- Change server structure by @louis-sanna-eki in #28
- Création modèles user et rôle by @FabienNaveau in #29
- Setup monorepo by @louis-sanna-eki in #30
- Migrate to prisma by @louis-sanna-eki in #31
- Fix missing script env:default in root by @Mael-Brs in #32
- Add linting and ci by @louis-sanna-eki in #33
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /packages/server by @dependabot in #34
- Add mui by @louis-sanna-eki in #35
- Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 by @dependabot in #36
- Creationformv2 by @Brams75 in #38
- Create user backend by @louis-sanna-eki in #39
- Post signin route by @felixbarriere in #40
- Post signin route by @felixbarriere in #41
- ajout routes signin front by @felixbarriere in #42
- Finish auth by @louis-sanna-eki in #43
- New game by @louis-sanna-eki in #44
- Improve account creation by @louis-sanna-eki in #45
- Add games table by @louis-sanna-eki in #46
- Create game detail page by @remiriv in #47
- Dg 32 First game detail panel by @remiriv in #48
- Auth po feedback by @louis-sanna-eki in #50
- Join game by @louis-sanna-eki in #51
- Players in game by @louis-sanna-eki in #52
- Po feedback 2 by @louis-sanna-eki in #53
- Add players to team by @louis-sanna-eki in #54
- Fix query invalidation by @louis-sanna-eki in #56
- Refresh game list on join + english to french by @remiriv in #55
- Refresh on game join by @louis-sanna-eki in #57
- Persona player by @remiriv in #58
- Edit team by @louis-sanna-eki in #60
- Lancement atelier - pull request intermediaire by @Vladou73 in #59
- Add remove player button by @louis-sanna-eki in #61
- Improve admin ux by @louis-sanna-eki in #62
- Administration add iam by @louis-sanna-eki in #63
- Add missing mail by @louis-sanna-eki in #64
- Add stepper component + display team name by @remiriv in #65
- Finish players admin by @louis-sanna-eki in #66
- Improve personna ux by @louis-sanna-eki in #67
- Small cleanup of play view by @louis-sanna-eki in #68
- Modularise play by @louis-sanna-eki in #69
- Admin console 0 by @louis-sanna-eki in #70
- Add teams on console by @louis-sanna-eki in #71
- Add team graph by @louis-sanna-eki in #72
- Improve console by @louis-sanna-eki in #74
- creation page stats joueur + graph initial front avec Fabien by @felixbarriere in #73
- Edit bouton Lancement atelier by @Vladou73 in #75
- Add graphs showing consumption and production on animation view by @remiriv in #76
- Add new teacher by @louis-sanna-eki in #78
- Fix launch by @Vladou73 in #80
- Install websocket by @louis-sanna-eki in #79
- Feature/player graph details by @FabienNaveau in #81
- Display users on admin by @Baboo7 in #84
- Clean prisma model by @louis-sanna-eki in #87
- Update game state with socket io by @louis-sanna-eki in #82
- Ajout d'une info bulle sur bouton avec details énergies by @FabienNaveau in #83
- Update users role by @Baboo7 in #85
- Display teachers on admin by @Baboo7 in #88
- feat(MyGames): Make page mobile friendly by @Baboo7 in #90
- Begin Personna by @louis-sanna-eki in #91
- Add real values to console by @louis-sanna-eki in #92
- Fix production bug by @louis-sanna-eki in #93
- Admin can modify their info by @Baboo7 in #94
- Use persona data for consumption & production graphs by @remiriv in #96
- Stop step from admin by @Baboo7 in #97
- Creation page choix conso 1 - push intermédiaire by @Vladou73 in #95
- Update default personna by @louis-sanna-eki in #98
- Fix nested Routes: v6 router by @louis-sanna-eki in #99
- fix(MyGames): Display join button correctly by @Baboo7 in #100
- Detailed persona data by @louis-sanna-eki in #101
- Fix(GameConsole): Increment step when start step by @Baboo7 in #103
- Creation page CHOIX CONSO 1 by @Vladou73 in #102
- Improve readme by @louis-sanna-eki in #105
- feat: Lint frontend files on save by @Baboo7 in #107
- Fix actions button label by @louis-sanna-eki in #108
- error msg enabled when team > max players in team by @Vladou73 in #109
- Feat/69 finalisation page choix action conso1 by @Vladou73 in #110
- Handle player action choices by @Baboo7 in #104
- Fix router by @louis-sanna-eki in #113
- Feat/75 show modal when too many action points spent by @Baboo7 in #111
- Feat/72 mobile friendlify player actions page by @Baboo7 in #112
- Compute user data after first consumption step by @remiriv in #106
- fix choice creation by @remiriv in #114
- Display only finished steps in player stats view by @remiriv in #115
- Break line if player name is too long for header by @remiriv in #116
- Display production data in player stats graph by @remiriv in #117
- Feat/74 update financial budget in real time by @Baboo7 in #118
- Fix bar display when clicking on bar for unfinished step by @remiriv in #120
- Feat/81 validate player choices by @Baboo7 in #121
- merge by @Baboo7 in #124
- merge develop by @Baboo7 in #125
- Feat/82 display confirm dialog to finish player step by @Baboo7 in #126
- Feat/82 display confirm dialog to finish player step by @Baboo7 in #122
- Feat/83 update player finished state step on admin by @Baboo7 in #123
- Feat/59 evolution ecran equipe en direct by @Vladou73 in #119
- feat/96 Display team choices recap by @Baboo7 in #127
- Feat/97 display energy accordion by @Baboo7 in #128
- Feat/100 display energy cards by @Baboo7 in #129
- Feat/93 validate team choices by @Baboo7 in #130
- feat(database): Seed on boot by @Baboo7 in #131
- Feat/94 update production chart by @Baboo7 in #132
- Feat/85 design production step on teacher dashboard by @Baboo7 in #133
- Feat/88 update stats console by @Baboo7 in #134
- Feat/104 display step consumption 2 by @Baboo7 in #135
- chore(deps): Bump terser from 5.13.1 to 5.15.0 by @dependabot in #136
- Feat/123 display step production 2 by @Baboo7 in #137
- Fix warnings by @louis-sanna-eki in #138
- Feat/129 setup logger by @Baboo7 in #139
- remove next call in middleware by @remiriv in #143
- Wording for budget in production step by @remiriv in #142
- Fix signup by @remiriv in #141
- Configure nuclear step by @remiriv in #140
- Step synthesis by @remiriv in #144
- Propagate to team on scenario name update by @remiriv in #148
- update oilgre persona descriptions on game home page by @remiriv in #150
- Add finished status to game and redirect players on game finish by @remiriv in #149
- Show synthesis data in admin screen by @remiriv in #147
- Compute points in game by @remiriv in #151
- Compute carbon footprint by @remiriv in #152
- update initial points by @remiriv in #155
- sort games by id in play context by @remiriv in #153
- rename field and use enum for production actions by @remiriv in #154
- Redirect players by @remiriv in #156
- Clean before prod by @louis-sanna-eki in #158
- Fix production origin by @louis-sanna-eki in #159
- Prisma migrate by @louis-sanna-eki in #160
- Fix/101 prevent player menu from jumping by @Baboo7 in #162
- Fix/172 join game only when not started by @Baboo7 in #161
- Add hotjar by @remiriv in #163
- fix: Fix points calculation + production mean in stats by @remiriv in #164
- Team management in administration interface by @remiriv in #165
- Feat/test computation engines by @Baboo7 in #166
- Button prepare game by @remiriv in #167
- Choice of personalization by @remiriv in #168
- Personalization form by @remiriv in #169
- Profile database initial by @remiriv in #170
- Profile database initial by @remiriv in #171
- Display form status on admin interface by @remiriv in #173
- Initial consumption calculation by @remiriv in #172
- Bump socket.io-parser from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 by @dependabot in #174
- Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #175
- Player form validation by @remiriv in #176
- PR comments - factorization by @remiriv in #177
- Use accordion from common + make moveable ErrorAlert + refactor peron… by @remiriv in #179
- Add admin buttons to block and validate forms by @remiriv in #178
- Anim must set players in teams and validate forms before starting game by @remiriv in #180
- Display player profile by @remiriv in #181
- Consumption computing by @remiriv in #182
- Display form responses for the anim when clicking on display forms bu… by @remiriv in #183
- Form data update by @remiriv in #184
- Déploiement production - Préparation premier test utilisateur + Sprint formulaire by @remiriv in #186
- Replace text by bike icon by @remiriv in #188
- feat(favicon): Update favicon by @remiriv in #191
- feat(header): Add button to switch to characs page on player header by @remiriv in #189
- feat(totals): Add totals in tooltip for consumption and production gr… by @remiriv in #190
- D4 g 203 admin graph legend by @remiriv in #192
- feat(graphs): Height of graph is 100th superior to the higher pile by @remiriv in #193
- feat(graphs): Adapt evolution graph height to data within by @remiriv in #194
- feat(format): Round values to the second decimal in evolution graphs by @remiriv in #196
- Feat/d4 g 208 make consumption header sticky by @Baboo7 in #195
- Feat/dag 207 update logo in play header by @Baboo7 in #197
- chore(deps): bump jsonwebtoken from 8.5.1 to 9.0.0 in /packages/server by @dependabot in #201
- fix(updateProfileHandler): Emit profile to socket by @Baboo7 in #199
- Fix/d4 g 212 display favicon correctly by @Baboo7 in #200
- Feat/d4 g 197 use 6 chars code to join workshop by @Baboo7 in #185
- Feat/d4 g 214 design magic link email by @Baboo7 in #202
- feat(mails): Set sender name by @Baboo7 in #204
- refactor(*): Migrate to vite by @Baboo7 in #203
- feat(putPlayersInTeams): Assign teams evenly by @Baboo7 in #205
New Contributors
- @PieR-E made their first contribution in #1
- @Vladou73 made their first contribution in #2
- @remi-boivin made their first contribution in #4
- @TCateland made their first contribution in #19
- @antoine-sii made their first contribution in #21
- @felixbarriere made their first contribution in #25
- @louis-sanna-eki made their first contribution in #28
- @FabienNaveau made their first contribution in #29
- @Mael-Brs made their first contribution in #32
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #34
- @Brams75 made their first contribution in #38
- @Baboo7 made their first contribution in #84
Full Changelog: https://github.com/dataforgoodfr/offseason_ogre/commits/v1.0.0