- Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL): Forecasts
- NWS Great Lakes: Wave height
- Buoys
- UWM - Freshwater Sciences
- NOAA CoastWatch data
- Daily U.S. Snowfall and Snow Depth, 2015 - today
- National Snowfall Analysis and its FTP
- SNODAS and FTP: ftp://sidads.colorado.edu/DATASETS/NOAA/G02158/
- Wisconsin County Centers
- The zoom levels are for Google Maps, but subtract 1.5 for use with Mapbox.
- A micro script to parse state legislature info from website
- Campaign finance:
- Federal Election Commission (FEC)
- campaign finance data includes expenditures, disbursements, loans for candidates, super PACs, etc.
- See NICAR tipsheet by Chris Schnaars, Wagging the Dog, to see what's available and caveats
- How elections are administered:
- Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS)
- Contains information on voter registration, absentee voters, polling place workers (things like age and difficultly in finding workers), voting machines.
- Most states report at the county-level. Wisconsin reports at the ward-level.