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10 Contributing

github-actions[bot] edited this page Nov 14, 2024 · 1 revision

We follow Git Merge based workflow

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a new feature branch in your fork. Multiple features must have a hyphen separated name
  3. Commit to your fork and raise a Pull Request with upstream

Code Style

  • To maintain a consistent code style maven checkstyle plugin is used : reference link
  • To inspect, analyze the code to remove common programming defects, inculcate programming best practices PMD is being used : reference link
  • The following maven command is used to generate PMD, checkstyle and Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) reports in ./target/site folder
    mvn checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd pmd:cpd
  • To resolve checkstyle issues faster please install any of the following plugins in the IDE like IntelliJ
    • google-java-format : link
    • CheckStyle-IDEA : link

About commit message

Git commit command is used to save the changes done in the local repository after staging in git. To add the files in staging

git add <file>

To commit the file

git commit -m "<subject>" -m "<description>"

Commit subject

  • The commit subject could be no more than 50 characters
  • To maintain consistent commit messages, the subject could be in imperative tone or as a verb. Example : Change query rather than Changes made in the query, Changed the query
    This could also reduce the size of subject
  • Could contain one of [feat, fix, style, refactor, test, docs, chore]

Commit description

  • Could be detailed to explain the changes made but no more than 72 characters
  • Punctuation could be omitted at the end of commit description
  • Could also reference an issue or pull request
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