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Update AAA docker image tags #48

Update AAA docker image tags

Update AAA docker image tags #48

Workflow file for this run

# This github workflow will automatically update docker image tags of aaa-depl in the datakaveri/iudx-deployment repository files, whenever docker image is pushed to .Based on tag it will update the master/latest branch (if its 5.5.1-alpha-) or 5.5.0 stable branch (if its 5.5.0-)
name: Update AAA docker image tags
# This trigger will run the workflow whenever a new package is published to the registry
types: [published]
# This is needed to read the registry packages
packages: read
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: datakaveri/iudx-deployment
# Jenkins token to perform git operations
token: "${{ secrets.JENKINS_UPDATE }}"
fetch-depth: 0
# This step updates the AAA Server docker image tags
- name: Update AAA docker image tags
run: |
# Get the latest version of 5.5.0 and 5.5.1-alpha tags from the container registry using GitHub API
export newtag5_5_0=`(head -n 1 <(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" | jq ' .[].metadata.container.tags[0]' | grep 5.5.0 | grep -v alpha | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'))`
export newtag5_5_1=`(head -n 1 <(curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" | jq ' .[].metadata.container.tags[0]' | grep 5.5.1-alpha | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'))`
# Get the old tags from the YAML files
export oldtag5_5_1=`yq -r .services.auth.image Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml | cut -d : -f 2`
git checkout 5.5.0
export oldtag5_5_0=$(yq -r .services.auth.image Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml | cut -d : -f 2)
# Set Git user
git config --global 'jenkins-datakaveri'
git config --global "[email protected]"
# Update the YAML files and create a new branch for each tag update
if [ "$newtag5_5_0" != "$oldtag5_5_0" ]
git checkout -b aaa-5.5.0-automatic-updates/$newtag5_5_0
# Uses sed to find and replace $oldtag5_5_0 with $newtag5_5_0 in Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml file
sed -i s/$oldtag5_5_0/$newtag5_5_0/g Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml
# Exports the current version of the application from K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml file
export oldappversion=`yq -r .version K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml`
# Uses awk to increment the version number in K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml file
export newappversion=`yq -r .version K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml | awk -F. -v OFS=. 'NF==1{print ++$NF}; NF>1{if(length($NF+1)>length($NF))$(NF-1)++; $NF=sprintf("%0*d", length($NF), ($NF+1)%(10^length($NF))); print}' `
# Uses sed to find and replace $oldappversion with $newappversion in K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml and K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/values.yaml files
sed -i s/$oldappversion/$newappversion/g K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml
sed -i s/$oldtag5_5_0/$newtag5_5_0/g K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/values.yaml
git add Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/values.yaml K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml
git commit --allow-empty -m "updated AAA docker image tag to $newtag5_5_0"
git push --set-upstream origin aaa-5.5.0-automatic-updates/$newtag5_5_0
# Creates a new pull request on the datakaveri/iudx-deployment repository with the base branch 5.5.0
gh pr create -R datakaveri/iudx-deployment --base 5.5.0 --fill
if [ "$newtag5_5_1" != "$oldtag5_5_1" ]
git checkout master
git checkout -b aaa-automatic-updates/$newtag5_5_1
# Uses sed to find and replace $oldtag5_5_1 with $newtag5_5_1 in Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml file
sed -i s/$oldtag5_5_1/$newtag5_5_1/g Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml
# Exports the current version of the application from K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml file
export oldappversion=`yq -r .version K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml`
# Uses awk to increment the version number in K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml file
export newappversion=`yq -r .version K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml | awk -F. -v OFS=. 'NF==1{print ++$NF}; NF>1{if(length($NF+1)>length($NF))$(NF-1)++; $NF=sprintf("%0*d", length($NF), ($NF+1)%(10^length($NF))); print}' `
# Uses sed to find and replace $oldappversion with $newappversion in K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/Chart.yaml and K8s-deployment/Charts/auth/values.yaml files
sed -i s/$oldappversion/$newappversion/g K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml
sed -i s/$oldtag5_5_1/$newtag5_5_1/g K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/values.yaml
git add Docker-Swarm-deployment/single-node/auth/auth-stack.yaml K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/values.yaml K8s-deployment/Charts/auth-server/Chart.yaml
git commit --allow-empty -m "updated AAA docker image tag to $newtag5_5_1"
git push --set-upstream origin aaa-automatic-updates/$newtag5_5_1
# Creates a new pull request on the datakaveri/iudx-deployment repository with the base branch master
gh pr create -R datakaveri/iudx-deployment --base master --fill