Releases: datasciencecampus/access-to-services
propeR v1.5.0
propeR v1.4.2
Install fix
propeR v1.4.1
Slight changes.
Includes new function:
propeR v1.4.0
Next release, includes aesthetic updates and refined functions. New information updates to console and progress bar replacing old multi line progress update.
propeR v1.3.1
Contains some updates to messages and visuals, as well as fixing isochrone_polygons_split[[n]]: subscript out of bounds error - now does not skip the polygon creation.
propeR v1.3.0
- New function
allows the travel time to the nearest destination to each origin to be calculated using a KNN approach. ParameternearestNum
can also be changed from 1 (default) so the travel time to the second, third etc nearest destinations can be analysed. Useful for analysing whether 'nearest' geographical services are actually the best/fastest.
now has the ability to save individual maps and GeoJSON polygon files outputs per time series run.pointToPoint
now can output GeoJSON polyline
propeR v1.2.3
Minor updates to manual and addition of fail safe methods for large datasets.
propeR v1.2.2
Added failsafes to isochroneMulti() and pointToPointLoop() so that for large amounts of locations then the outputs will be periodically (every 100) saved incase of memory issues or crashes.
propeR v1.2.1
Similar to v1.2.0, however, all scripts have now been refactored.
- isochrone tools now have
, andisochroneCutOffStep
parameters instead of passing a list through. - manual has been updated with new features.
- break lines replaced with stop messages instead.
propeR v1.2.0
Significant amount of code refactoring completed on key scripts.
- New tool pointToPointLoop() created so point-to-point calculations can be looped through origin and destinations, and also reversed to get return journey. See ?pointToPointLoop() for details.
- Code is more light weight for analysis. Default output is a csv file (maps, gifs, GeoJSONs are all optional outputs from argument line)
- preWaitTime argument now works for point-to-point type calculations and has a default of 15 minutes now
- importLocationData() now has arguments for specifying unique id, latitude, longitude and postcode column names (default is 'name', 'lat', 'lon', 'postcode')
- Complete control over leaflet map plotting through arguments
- Lots of testing done!
To do:
- isochroneMultiIntersect, isochroneMultiIntersectTime, isochroneMultiIntersectSensitivity, choropleth refactoring