Folder | Description |
alignments | Gigi alignments computed without node alignments |
alignments-jaccard | Gigi alignments computed with node alignments |
code | Code for Beppo, Gigi, NMD computation, plotting, and table generation |
data | Preprocessed input data as used in all experiments |
graphics | Figures from paper and further visualizations |
network-portrait-divergence | NPD code and NPD heatmap |
raw-data | Raw input data as provided by the stated sources (if different from the preprocessed data) |
results | Beppo results with Julia IDs |
results_mapped | Beppo results with original IDs |
All folders have a separate that describes their contents or usage.
The code runs on Debian Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) and macOS Catalina; other operating systems were not tested.
We need the following packages when running with Julia version 1.0.3 (this also works with Julia 1.3.0 and slightly older versions of some packages):
"ArgParse" => v"1.1.0"
"CSV" => v"0.7.4"
"DataFrames" => v"0.21.4"
"DataStructures" => v"0.17.19"
"GraphIO" => v"0.5.0"
"GraphPlot" => v"0.4.2"
"JSON" => v"0.21.0"
"LightGraphs" => v"1.3.3"
"LineSearches" => v"7.0.1"
"Optim" => v"0.22.0"
"StatsBase" => v"0.33.0"
"YAML" => v"0.4.0"
This is the package setup with which the results showcased in the paper were generated. A better practice for distributing Julia code, which we only learned about later, is documented here. For convenience, we also included requirements-minimal Manifest.toml and Project.toml files that should work, e.g., with Julia 1.6, in this folder.
Julia allows multiple versions of itself to coexist, i.e., we can download Julia 1.6 and set up an alias like
in the startup script of our preferred shell (e.g.,~/.zshrc
), even if we are normally working with a different version.
To run the code using the more professional setup (assuming Julia 1.6), do the following:
- Activate the
REPL - Type
to go to the package REPL - Type
activate .
(this should cause the string between the round brackets to the left of your prompt to change) - Type
(this will install all packages in the versions required byManifest.toml
and allow you to run Julia code)
To run the Python code:
- Set up a virtual environment with Python 3.7 and activate it (recommended, not required)
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Detailed instructions on how to reproduce the results are given in the of the code