Battleshipasaurus is a Battleship game created using Python, and runs on a mock terminal on Heroku.
The aim of the game is to sink the enemies battleships:
If they correctly guess all the ships on the board they win
If they don't hit all the ships within the number of turn they lose the game
Python - main game language and it's default modules VS Code - To set up Python environment and text editor [Heroku] for site deployment and to store created files
One player game
Instructions of the game
User feedback for errors
Grid elements so that user can distinguish between empty spaces, ships and misses
Game Over prompt, Restart Game prompt to allow user to control start of game within the console.
Number of turns are displayed to the user
Number of ships left are displayed to the user
User to play against the computer
Custom grid size
Increased game difficulty
Option to add different types of ships like the Carrier, Cruiser, Submarine etc.
Game is made using python functions
Fix bug where value entered in terminal did not match the board index.
Fix bug where console with give valueError when game is run for the first time
Fix bug where game over prompt was not being triggered at the end of game loop
- Game start prompt will not start the game loop if too many gaps are typed in the console.
- PEP8
Game was deployed using Heroku
- In your vscode or gitpod terminal inside your current workspace:
type in:
touch requirements.txt
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
This is to add dependencies to your deployed project
To deploy this project you need a Heroku account
Once logged in, click the CREATE NEW APP button
Add a unique name for your project in lowercase and spaces separated by '-' the create new app
Click on the settings page and add the Python THEN the Node.js build packs
Go to the Deploy tab
Connect your GitHub account and select the 'main' brach of your project
Near the bottom on the page, you have two options on how to deploy your project. You can either do:
- Automatic Deployment which will deploy your project after every change to your main github repository
- Manual Deployment where the user has to prompt for the deployment.
Which ever option you decide you have to do an initial Manual deployment to Heroku for the first upload.
The app will install the necessary files and dependencies. Finally, a message was displayed: 'Your app was successfully deployed.'
- Codeacademy Python 2: Lists and Functions Template that helped me build the game logic
- ASCII table
- Alphabet string