- Owl Nook
The blog if for the user to find all kinds of information in one convenient place as well as share tips and funny things to the general internet.
Reddit type blog full of all kinds of posts. This includes news, tips and posts just for laughs from memes to your next book to your next cocktail party type drinks. Users can posts or just browse what other people have posted. Unregistered users have very little access to content nad must join to view the entire post.
The website is going to be blog type layout. For those users who are there just to browse can expand on the post they are interested in but they will need to have an account to view the content. They can also save posts to read later. For those who love to share content they also need to have an account and can create posts and add photos at their own convenience. The website is built using the Django framework to handle creating user accounts and managing the website. The Postgres database is used to store general user data so that they can access their information later.
👉 Live Website 🖥️
Role | Summary | Feature |
ADMIN | approve comments | filter out objectionable comments |
USER | register an account | comment, like and view full content |
USER | leave comments on a post | be involved in the conversion |
USER | upvote and downvote posts | interact with content |
USER | save posts | access content easily at my own convenience |
USER | open posts | read full text |
USER | view the date/time of an individual post | see which content is most up to date/ or not. |
USER | add categories to post | can get to the topics I want |
USER | filter post | control what content i see first |
USER | follow a user | easily see their posts |
USER / ADMIN | view the number of likes on each post | see which is the most popular or viral |
USER / ADMIN | create posts | post blog content |
USER / ADMIN | view comments on an individual posts | read the conversation |
USER / ADMIN | create draft posts | finish writing the content later |
The Agile tool of choice to plan and manage my work is Trello. The workflow is illustrated here 👈
Wireframes were created using Balsamiq Wireframes. The website design was inspired by the the Medium, Reddit and Philosophy template
The website design was based on a mobile first design and based on the features from the user stories. The website logo is to be fixed at the top right of the page and the bottom left of the footer. All register/login buttons will be in the header, fixed at the top right corner of the device.
Click here for mobile pdf versions 👈
The homepage is meant to be simple and allows the user to view incoming posts straight away wether they are a new user or a returning user. New posts are displayed large and clearly on at the top of the page. The featured image of the blog will be large and the title with other details displayed over it. Older posts are show underneath in smaller cards with the featured image on the left content and titles on the right. The page will infinitely scroll until the first post.
Blog post
The blog post page will have a centered title and the user will be able to see the author of the post easily. There will be a featured image represented by the blank image and the content below it. Registered users will be able to rate and post on comments
Each blog post will have a category or topic that is assigned by the author of the post (category is displayed by the button under the content on blog post) When the user clicks on the button they are redirected to the category page where they will be able to view all posts in that category. Again the page will infinitely scroll.
About us
Pages that include information about Owl Nook, the legal pages and privacy pages will be based on this template.
Forms: Contact Us, Sign up, Login
All the forms wil be based on these templates using the appropriate for each. Ideally they will fill the entire screen and there should be no need to scroll vertically or horizontally.
Click here for tablet pdf versions 👈
The tablet wireframes are very similar to the mobile wireframes with minor modifications the content and elements to fit the screen size.
Click here for Desktop pdf versions 👈
The desktop wireframes are very similar to the tablet wireframes with minor modifications the content and elements to fit the screen size. The footer will be constantly displayed as the user scrolls including the categories on the right side of the page.
The colour scheme was generated randomly using the coolors generator. I wanted it to be a dark mode theme. Initially the generator started with 5 colours but they were too many. I reduced it to three (navy, coral and grey). When I began creating the mockups, the grey did not have enough contrast with the background, particularly with small text. As a result I added white to the colour palette.
The components and mockups were made using Figma. The components were generated from Creatt Studios wireframe kit. When I began creating the mockups the colour scheme was more or less the same. some elements like the accent colours were quite distracting. For example the horizontal rule under the blog title. I decreased the transparency so that to help breakup text and sections but without distracting the user from reading the content. the image below will show the same colours used originally by with varying degrees of transparency reducing by 20% each time.
Click here for pdf version 👈
The font used for headings and content text is Poppins, with a backup font of sans serif. The nature of the website means that there are sections where there will be a lot of text. Poppins is a font that looks good in large and small text and, the user can also easily distinguish letters. Depending on what the user posts, wether it be italic text for quotes, or title, The entire Poppins family of fonts and font weights will be available to the user.
Click here for pdf version 👈
Blog images will be posted by a user. The user must post an image when posting a blog, otherwise a default image will be used. The default image is a woman sitting typing on a laptop on a ceramic desk.
Buttons and any other button groups will be based on this template below. to ensure consistent formatting when the scope of the project increases.
Click here for pdf version 👈
Content blocks will be derived from the following template even when the scope of the project increases.
Click here for pdf version 👈
Form elements for the blog will be based in template below, This includes text input, textarea and checkboxes
Click here for pdf version 👈
The following items were used for reference to aid creation of components for Owl Nook website.
Links will open on the Figma website and no login is required.
The prototypes for tablet and mobile are not shown as they are identical to the desktop prototype. To interact with the prototype, click the play button on the top right corner of the screen as shown below 👇
This will allow you to view the flow of the website and some of the interactions with the buttons.
The database for this project began a conceptual ERD to show the relationship between each entity. Each user entity that is created either be an admin or regular member. If the user is an administrator, they have permission to add, edit or delete the category names. The normal user will only have permission to read the category and assign it to a blog post.
Each user can create a blog post entity, a comment and a reading list to save a blog post to read at their convenience.
Click here for pdf version 👈
The physical ERD model will illustrate how the entities and their information will be added to the database. I will be using crow foot notation to demonstrate the relationships.
Each user entity has a User_ID attribute as the primary key. It will be used as the foreign key in blog post and whose attribute is Author.
User_ID attribute will also be used be used as the foreign key Member attribute in the Comment entity.
Each category has a Category_ID attribute as the primary key. It will be used as the foreign key in blog post and whose attribute is Category.
Each blog post has a Blog_Post_ID attribute as the primary key. It will be used as the foreign key in blog post and whose attribute is Category.
Blog_Post_ID attribute will also be used be used as the foreign key Blog_post attribute in the reading list entity.
Click here for pdf version 👈
During development, The custom user model was omitted from the project to due lack of form validation. Extensive research will need to be done to be able to effectively implement this feature at a later date. For the sake of submission I opted to use the all auth user model django's model instead.
The reading list model was removed from the project and instead was implemented by adding a new bookmark field in the blog post entity.
Login button for returning users is clickable and highlighted, available on buttons and are usually coral for buttons and underlined in text (dedicated button removed for mobile to conserve space)
All links are clickable and highlighted when hover over, with exception to user, write new blog, navbar search button and bookmark buttons for mobiles, tablets and desktops.
Register button for new users available on all pages (changed to get started button on mobile for mobile devices)
Navigation bar
Nav bar is consistent across all devices and pages.
New users can clearly make a new account from the header
Returning users can login into their account via button
Search bar is located in header for tablets and desktop devices
Logo is large and clear, showing the website name
Search bar also available via side widgets on tablets and desktops.
Search bar available via hamburger button for mobiles devices
Side Widgets
Search widget contains search bar for user to search for post on website
Categories widget contains current categories are are clickable to show related posts.
Home Page
Featured post links direct to post detail page either by clicking on image or on read more button
Other posts when clicked direct user to its post detail page either by clicking image or read more button.
Post Detail Page
Page shows article title, author who wrote, featured image and article content
Next to author button there isa bookmark button for logged in user to save the post and read later
Author of post has 2 buttons that allows user to edit article or delete it
Anonymous user has book mark button disabled
Category badge displayed to user and is clickable to view related posts
Anonymous users are unable to see all post content, instead they can view a limited about and are immediately asked to log in or sign up to view the rest of the content. This
Anonymous user has comments and like/dislike disabled
Logged in user can view and add comments
Bookmarks Page
User can see their name and all the post they have saved
User will see that they have no posts saved if they don't have any, are prompted to go to home page to add some.
Clicking on image or Read more button directs user to post detail page
If user is not authenticated, they are redirected to login page
Drafts Page
User can see their name and all the post they have drafted
User will see that they have no posts saved if they don't have any, are prompted to go to home page to add some.
Clicking on image or Read more button directs user to edit post
If user is not authenticated, they are redirected to login page
Edit Profile Page
User can input optional data like enter their name and change their email
Edit Password Page
User can change their password
Search Page
- User can search for blogs by author, title or category
Category Page
All users can view posts by category
If user is on category travel page, the travel badge is omitted from side widget.
Clicking on image or Read more button directs user to post detail page
If Category exists, but has no posts, user is prompted to create a post via button
Edit Post Page
User can edit a draft post from their draft page with data prefilled or directly for post detail page is user is the author.
User can also delete post from and are prompted if they are sure via delete modal on same page.
If user posts a draft, they are redirected to the draft page. Otherwise is post is to be published they will be redirected to post detail page.
If user is not author of page, they are denied access to edit post
Anonymous user has no access to page
Anonymous user has no access
Add Post Page
User can add a new post
User has option to add a category if the ones provided are not relevant to their post
If user posts a draft, they are redirected to the draft page. Otherwise is post is to be published they will be redirected to post detail page.
Anonymous user has no access
- Add Category Page
User can add a new category
If user posts a category they are redirected to add post page
Anonymous user has no access
Website footer for social media links and help pages for user
User to be able to filter posts by date or popularity.
User profile page where user can choose their own avatar image and add a bibliography
Author bibliography details on post detail page
Logged in user can follow other users to later can notified if they make a new post
Logged in user can attach multiple categories to their posts
All users can create shareable page links to blog post to share with their friends
When user adds a bookmark, a comment, or like a page, page update data without reloading
User can have multiple bookmark lists and be able to name them
Scroll to top button
Currently the comments will show all the comments on the page, feature to load a few comments at a time
HTML - Add content and formatting to web page.
CSS - Add styling and colours to web page.
JavaScript - Add interactive features to web page
Python - Used to handle user input and get data back to user.
Visual Studio Code - Source-code editor optimised for debugging, testing, syntax highlighting and extension support
Git - used to allow for tracking of any changes in the code and for the version control.
Github - used to host the project files
Heroku - used to deploy web application
Postgres - used as the DBMS to store user profile data and hosted on Heroku
Balsamiq Wireframes - used to create wireframes
Figma - used to create mockups and prototypes
Creatt Studios - component template to illustrate mockups
Google Sheets - Tabulate user stories
Zapier - Automate process of adding user stories from google sheets to Trello
Trello - Agile tool of choice to manage and plan web app.
MindNode - app used to draw mind maps to show entities and their attributes.
Lucid Chart - web app use to illustrated database schema.
Canva - webapp used to design logo and favicon.
Django - Python web framework to create web application and provide security to users.
Cloudinary - Cloud hosting service
Fontawesome - to insert icons in the website to make site more visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Favicon.io - used to generate favicon to webpage
Google Fonts - used to import 'Poppins' fonts in the style.css stylesheet.
TinyPNG - used to reduce resolution of images
Bootstrap - Used for the responsive layout as well as custom components such as image carousel, navigation bar, footer, cards, and collapse element.
jquery - Used in some of the clickable elements such as collapsible 'hamburger' nav bar and collapse element.
popper.js - Used in some of the clickable elements such as collapsible 'hamburger' navbar and collapse element.
Waypoint - Used ad infinite scrolling function to posts
TinyMCE - WYSIWYG text editor
Automated testing was carried out using Katalon
Tests can be found here 👈
I used live testing and recorded the interaction. I began by testing the links on the home page as an anonymous user. Test if i am able to access restricted content: and found the following
Limited access to post detail text. I am restricted to a few characters and prompted to login to view the rest
Bookmark, comments and like/dislike is functionality is disabled
Get started/login/register links direct to correct pages
Hard coding add post page, delete article, edit article, user draft, user bookmark - I am redirected to the login page
As a registered user I attempted the same steps as as anonymous user and I attempted to access the following content
I am able to log in to my account and I have access to article content text
Add bookmark button is enabled
Attempting to view empty bookmarks I am told my list is empty and prompted to add articles
Add bookmark button is clicked on an article and is added to my list
Like/unlike buttons update page
Test comment post by adding content
I have access to add posts or drafts, edit posts, add categories, delete my own posts from drafts, or article page (if I am author of page)
I attempted to hard code add posts or drafts, edit posts, add categories, delete my own posts from drafts, or article page (if I am author of page) urls of another user. I am denied access to other user's content.
Form validation fails when user logs in, attempts to change password from profile or when user creates duplicate slugs due to None type value being returned.
New categories added by user on frontend are not searchable via search bar on front end - Fixed, template did not account for empty search dictionary
Not null at category - integrity error -> Fixed-default category was not saved in database, on add post or edit post submission, if user does not set a category this error was received.
attribute error when changing status of published post to draft -> Fixed redirect lazy to home page after changing blog status, rather than returning to post detail page
Waypoints infinite scroll renders duplicate posts when paginating with class based view pagination. -> Fixed - defined pagination function and page render manually
Jquery id selector won't input html onto add post + edit post page -> Fixed - used javascript syntax
TypeError None type object being returned after comment post. No get data is being requested -> Fixed by returning previous page
HTTP404 - django attempts to input slug of a drafted post. after submission. -> Fixed - reverse lazy to post drafts page after posting blog draft
Other bugs in trello here 👈
python validator Pep8
- Line break warning before operator warnings on line 272 and 273
- Pass
css validator W3
CSS Value error has now been fixed
Warnings have not been addressed
Type attribute warning on style element has not been fixed
Type attribute warning on JavaScript sources element has been fixed
Cross origin attribute error has been fixed
element error inul
has been fixed -
elements with no alternative text errors have been fixed
- Errors above are now fixed
- Errors and warnings above are now fixed
Both CSS error not fixed, code is injected from a CDN link
Type attribute warning on style element has not been fixed
!DOCTYPE html value exists on page
Rest of errors have been fixed
CSS errors not fixed, code is injected from a CDN link
Type attribute warning on style element has not been fixed
- Browser Compatibility
Screen size\Browser | Safari | Opera | Microsoft Edge | Chrome | Firefox | Internet Explorer |
Mobile | ✔️ | Not Tested | Not Tested. | ✔️ | ✔️ | Not Tested |
Desktop | ✔️ | Not Tested. | Not Tested. | ✔️ | ✔️ | Not Tested |
Tablet | ✔️ | Not Tested. | Not Tested. | ✔️ | ✔️ | Not Tested |
OS Compatibility was tested on iOS 14.5.1, MacOS Catalina, iPadOS 14.5 It is yet to be tested on Unix, Linux, Windows or Solaris Operating Systems.
The devices used in this testing include MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S10
The website was exhaustively tested for responsiveness on Chrome DevTools. Different viewport sizes were simulated ranging from as small as iPhone 5 (320px) to large desktop sizes (1200px and above).
This website was published using Heroku.
This website was published using Heroku.
- Firstly you will need to clone this repository by running the
git clone <https://github.com/datonex/owl-nook-dx/>
command - If using VS Code type make sure you have th Git extension installed then type above code into your terminal
- Navigate to project folder and start a virtual environment with
python3 -m venv .venv
- Activate you virtual environment with
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make changes to the code and if you think it belongs in here then just submit a pull request
Before you begin deployment, create a git repository on github either by manually creating a repository from a template (or a new one)
If you have the git hub CLI installed go to the folder you keep your projects and run,
gh repo create <project-name> --public --template <template-name>
This command will automatically initialise your local repository and create your folder for you. If you don't have a template don't enter--template
Follow step 3 to 5 from contribution
Start a django project with
django-admin startproject <project_name> .
the a django app withpython manage.py startapp <appname>
Inside project-name create a new file env.py and put file name in your .gitignore
Open env.py and type the variables:
import os # os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "" os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "random_secret_key" os.environ["HOSTNAME"] = "host_name" os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = "cloudinary_api_key" os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "Development_key"
Locate settings.py in project_name and import the following:
from pathlib import Path import os, dj_database_url if os.path.isfile("env.py"): import env
Set your environments variables from above where prompted byt comments:
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY") if "DEVELOPMENT" in os.environ: DEBUG = True else: DEBUG = False X_FRAME_OPTIONS = "SAMEORIGIN" ALLOWED_HOSTS = [os.environ.get("HOSTNAME")]
In INSTALLED_APPS input the following packages installed from pip:
"django.contrib.messages", "cloudinary_storage", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.sites", "allauth", "allauth.account", "cloudinary", "tinymce", "app_name",
In TEMPLATES inside "DIRS" build your template directories in a tuple:
TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates"), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "owlet", "templates", "owlet", "allauth"), ], ... } ]
To set up your database put in:
if "DATABASE_URL" in os.environ: DATABASES = {"default": dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"))} else: DATABASES = { "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", "NAME": BASE_DIR / "db.sqlite3", } }
Finally building the static files:
STATIC_URL = "owlnook-dx/static/" STATICFILES_STORAGE = "cloudinary_storage.storage.StaticHashedCloudinaryStorage" STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),) STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles") MEDIA_URL = "/media/" DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "cloudinary_storage.storage.MediaCloudinaryStorage"
Create a cloudinary account and get your API environment variable with format
from dashboard -
Create a Heroku account and login. Create a new app and select region closest to you.
Commit your cahnges to github. then install the Heroku CLI (link is in Deploy from heroku navbar)
When Heroku CLI is installed, put in your terminal:
heroku login
To login to Heroku
The connect your Git repository with:
heroku git:remote -a some-app-test
thenheroku config:set DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app heroku-app-name
at first deployment -
Push your changes to heroku with
git push heroku master
orgit push heroku main
Wikipedia - South African culture
Blog content sources 👈 click to view content sources
- Placeholder image - Pexels, by cottonbro
Code Institute - Full Stack Frameworks module
Django-Allauth - Handle user sign in
Codemy.com - crate a blog flow
Startbootstrap - bootstrap blog template
Startbootstrap - bootstrap blog home template
StackOverflow Inject js into django admin
StackOverflow - redirect user to previous page
Vole - random text generator
Techsini - Generate live mockup
Web fore front - Django model data types
Google fonts Poppins font
CodingWithMitch - Creating a custom user model
Django user model - information about the django user model
Infinite Scrolling infinite scrolling
TinyMCE - python package
Pyenchant - python package to handle TinyMCE spell checker
Cloudinary - upload image logic
Creating form widgets using Django
Medium - Medium blog
Bored Pand - Bored Panda blog
Philosophy template - wordpress website template by Colorlib
Drinking blog - articles inspiration
Buzzfeed - articles inspiration
- Thank you to my mentor for his support and guidance