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BitStore is a DataHub microservice for storing blobs i.e. files. It is a lightweight auth wrapper for an S3-compatible object store that integrates with the rest of the DataHub stack and especially the auth service.

Build Status

Quick Start

Clone the repo and install

make install

Run tests

make test

Run server


Env Vars

  • AUTH_SERVER - the FQ URL of the auth server. Used for looking up the public key for communicating with the auth server from the auth server.
  • Object store: connection info for the underlying S3-style objectstore service
  • STORAGE_PATH_PATTERN - pattern for generating the storage path in the objectstore for a given rile. That is, object_store_path = make_path(STORAGE_PATH_PATTERN.format{fileinfo}). May contain any format string available for a file in authorize API including
    • {path} (relative path to file in package)
    • {md5}.
    • {basename} which is the filename, extracted from the {path}
    • {dirname} which is the dirname, extracted from the {path}
    • {extension} which is the extension of the filename
    • {md5} (and {md5_hex} which is the md5 in hex form)
      Note: in addition to file info the owner and dataset (name) are available as {owner} and {dataset}. Examples:
    • custom/path/{owner}/{dataset}/{path} will, given {owner: datahq, name: datax, path: data/file.csv} will end up with custom/path/datahq/datax/data/file.csv
    • {md5} - storage path is md5 hash of the file (assuming md5 hash is provided)

Note: requested permissions to auth server will be like:

  SERVICE_NAME (config defined above e.g. 'rawstore')


Get authorized upload URL(s)


Method: POST

Query Parameters:

  • jwt - permission token (received from /user/authorize)


  • Auth-Token - permission token (can be used instead of the jwt query parameter)


JSON content with the following structure:

    "metadata": {
        "owner": "<user-id-of-uploader>",
        "name": "<data-set-unique-id>"
    "filedata": {
        "<relative-path-to-file-in-package-1>": {
            "length": 1234, #length in bytes of data
            "md5": "<md5-hash-of-the-data>",
            "type": "<content-type-of-the-data>",
            "name": "<file-name>"
        "<relative-path-to-file-in-package-2>": {
            "length": 4321,
            "md5": "<md5-hash-of-the-data>",
            "type": "<content-type-of-the-data>",
            "name": "<file-name>"

owner must match the userid that is in the authentication token.


Signed urls to upload into S3:

  fileData: {
    "<file-name-1>": {
      "md5-hash": "...",
      "name": "<file-name>",
      "type": "<file-type>",
      "upload_query": {
        'Content-MD5': '...',
        'Content-Type': '...',
        'acl': 'public-read',
        'key': '<path>',
        'policy': '...',
        'x-amz-algorithm': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256',
        'x-amz-credential': '...',
        'x-amz-date': '<date-time-in-ISO',
        'x-amz-signature': '...'
      "upload_url": "<s3-url>",
      "exists": true/false
    "<file-name-2>": ...,

Get information regarding the datastore


Method: GET

Query Parameters:

  • jwt - permission token (received from /user/authorize)


  • Auth-Token - permission token (can be used instead of the jwt query parameter)


JSON content with the following structure:

    "prefixes": [

prefixes is the list of possible prefixes for an uploaded file for this user.

Check and Generate S3 Presigned URL for private objects


Methos: GET

Query Parameters:

  • jwt - permission token (received from /user/authorize)
  • url - original URL for S3 object
  • ownerid - authenticated user Id


  • Auth-Token - permission token (can be used instead of the jwt query parameter)


Original or Pre-Signed S3 URL:

    "url": "",