Distributed log replay to stress-test an Apache Solr server with real-world traffic
Edit Config.py for your System Under Test (SUT)
on a central server (typically same as SUT/RequestGenerator.py)- If you want to run the RequestGenerator (sends querries to solr) on the same server as the Manager, just set MANAGER_STARTS_CONSUMERS to be > 0 (however many Consumers you want)
tail -f /var/log/solr/solr.log | grep QueryKeyWord | ./LogParser.py
on your source solr server where QueryKeyWord is an optional step to pre-filter input to only be what you care about- If running distributed Request Generators,
on your SUT solr server (one or more times... typicaly the same number or one more than the number of Producers)
You should get a file SolrPerfTestResults_*.csv wherever you ran Manager.py that has columns: 'TimeStamp, FullTime, QTime, numFound, ResponseLen, OrigQTime'
- TimeStamp is just a unixtime timestamp useful for plotting on x-axis
- FullTime is the time it took RequestGenerator.py to issue the request to the solr server and read the full response back (no parsing being done within the timed block)
- QTime is parsed out of the JSON response from the Solr server (make sure your query includes wt=json or these won't work)
- numFound is parsed out of the JSON response from the Solr server
- ResponseLen is just the str-len of the full response (approximating size to determine correlation between size and time increase)
- OrigQTime is the QTime of the original request on the source solr server (from the log) - useful to compare sometimes...
An Example: On the source (prod) solr host: $ tail -F /var/log/echonest/solr/artists/artists_solr.log | grep 'status=0' | ./LogParser.py
On the dest (SUT) solr host: $ ./Manager.py
To see the raw difference in QTimes (QTime - OrigQTime): $ tail -F $(ls -t *.csv | head -1) | awk -F',' '{print $3-$6;}'