WCCommon is a collection of frequently used functions and tools in HFT development using using C++20 and later.
It is recommended to compile using g++-13 or newer compilers.
install WCCommon lib to path ~/opt/WCCommon
git clone [email protected]:david830wu/WCCommon.git
cd WCCommon
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . -j8
cmake --install . --prefix ~/opt/WCCommon
# add lib install path to cmake search list
export WCCommon_DIR=~/opt/WCCommon/lib/cmake/WCCommon
When MyApp is build with WCCommon, add dependent targets in CMakeLists.txt
target_sources(MyApp PRIVATE main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(MyApp PRIVATE WCCommon::WCCommon WCCommon::LogConfig)
Fast, simple and user-friendly utils to read and write CSV file, very efficient for large file. Watch the progress bar and leave off with confidence.
using Depth = std::tuple<
uint32_t ,
double ,
double ,
unsigned long ,
double ,
unsigned long ,
char ,
static constexpr std::size_t k_len = 1<<20;
std::vector<Depth> depths;
TEST_CASE("CsvIOTest", "[WCCommon]") {
std::string test_file_name = "CsvIOTest.csv";
generate_depth(depths, k_len);
SECTION("write") {
write_csv(test_file_name, depths);
SECTION("read") {
std::vector<Depth> read_depths;
read_csv(test_file_name, read_depths);
SECTION("read with filter") {
std::vector<Depth> read_depths;
read_csv(test_file_name, read_depths, [](Depth const& depth){
return std::get<DepthField::Instrument>(depth) > (k_len + 1) / 2;
Easy to understand and convenient to call function to command hdf5 file read, write and query operations.
TEST_CASE("H5IOTest", "[WCCommon]") {
std::string filename = "H5IOTestData.h5";
std::vector<double> darray{1.1,1.1,2.1,3.1,5.1,8.1,11.1,13.1};
std::vector<int > iarray{1,1,2,3,5,8,11,13};
SECTION("write") {
H5File h5_file(filename, 'w');
hid_t group_id = h5_make_group_if_not_exist(h5_file.id(), "Data");
h5_write_vector(h5_file.id(), "/Data/d_dataset", darray); // abs path
h5_write_vector(group_id , "i_dataset" , iarray); // rel path
SECTION("Query") {
H5File h5_file(filename, 'w');
REQUIRE(h5_has_object(h5_file.id(), "Data") == true); // group exist
REQUIRE(h5_has_object(h5_file.id(), "/Data/d_dataset") == true); // dataset exist
std::vector<std::string> objs = h5_scan_path_object(h5_file.id(), "Data");
REQUIRE(objs.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(objs[0] == "d_dataset");
REQUIRE(objs[1] == "i_dataset");
std::vector<std::size_t> dims = h5_query_dataset_dim(h5_file.id(), "/Data/d_dataset");
REQUIRE(dims.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(dims[0] == dlist.size());
SECTION("Read") {
H5File h5_file(filename, 'r');
std::vector<double> darray_load;
std::vector<int > iarray_load;
h5_read_vector(h5_file.id(), "/Data/d_dataset", darray_load);
h5_read_vector(h5_file.id(), "/Data/i_dataset", iarray_load);
REQUIRE(darray_load == darray);
REQUIRE(iarray_load == iarray);
A convenient function to configure loggers in spdlog according to an yaml file.
%YAML 1.2
default_format : "[%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f] [%-8l] [%-12n] %v"
default_level : "info"
default_log_dir : "./log/${today}"
default_log_prefix: "WCCommon"
- stdout
- basic_file
- main
- default
- default
- default
And loggers are created and configured as
#include "LogConfig.h"
int main() {
auto p_logger = wcc::get_logger("main");
p_logger->debug("This is a {} message", "debug");
p_logger->info("pi = {:.4f}", 3.1415926);
p_logger->warn("The answer is {:6d}", 42);
p_logger->error("{:06d} is SZ stock", 5);
p_logger->critical("{} is not a {}", "cat", "fruit");
return 0;
And log with HJ format can be used with predefined macros
#include "HJLogFormat.h"
// Struct with an attached logger named "Test"
struct Logged : wcc::AttachLogger<"Test"> {
Logged() {
// Normal usage:
// Since we are running inside Catch2 internal functions, which cannot
// be detected by our macro as HAS_ID, the id is output as [-].
// However, we have defined the id() method for this class.
ID_MLOG(info, "init", ("Logged constructor called!"));
void run() {
// For a variable. All these output without an id field (since using HJ_LOG)
int x = 1;
MLOG(info, "event", VAR(x)); // default format: "x:{}"
MLOG(error, "event", ("x:{:06}", x)); // specify a format fully
// Multiple format/value pairs allowed
// This one also outputs an id field as [1] since we have the id() method for this class
ID_MLOG(info, "with_id", VAR(x), ("msg:{}", "hello"), ("pi:{}", 3.14));
auto id() const { return 8; }
An fast and handy class to store and calculate trading time
#include "NumericTime.h"
using wcc::NumericTime;
TEST_CASE("NumericTimeTest", "[NumericTime]") {
SECTION("InitInt") {
REQUIRE(NumericTime(103159010) == NumericTime(10, 31, 59, 10));
SECTION("InitStr") {
REQUIRE(NumericTime("10:31:59.010") == NumericTime(10, 31, 59, 10));
SECTION("Invalid convert") {
REQUIRE(NumericTime(23, 59, 59, 1000)== NumericTime(0, 0, 0, 0));
SECTION("GetField") {
auto ntime = NumericTime(10, 31, 59, 10);
REQUIRE(ntime.hour() == 10);
REQUIRE(ntime.min() == 31);
REQUIRE(ntime.sec() == 59);
REQUIRE(ntime.ms() == 10);
SECTION("ToStr") {
REQUIRE(NumericTime(10, 31, 59, 10).str() == "10:31:59.010");
SECTION("Negative time") {
REQUIRE(NumericTime(10, 31, 59, -1) == NumericTime(10, 31, 58, 999));
REQUIRE(NumericTime(10, 31, -1, 10) == NumericTime(10, 30, 59, 10));
REQUIRE(NumericTime(10, -1, 59, 10) == NumericTime( 9, 59, 59, 10));
REQUIRE(NumericTime(-1, 31, 59, 10) == NumericTime(23, 31, 59, 10));
SECTION("Now") {
NumericTime now_time = NumericTime::now();
std::string now_str = now_time.str();
std::cout << "Now = " << now_str << std::endl;
Show a progress bar to happily wait for a result.
TEST_CASE("ProgressBarTest", "[WCCommon]") {
SECTION("show") {
std::size_t data_len = 128;
wcc::ProgressBar prog_bar(70, std::cout);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data_len ; ++i) {
// proccessing data
prog_bar.update( (i + 1) * 100 / data_len ); // input ranges from 0(start) to 100(completed)
Get field of a given yaml file, replace "${today}" string as its value, and print clear error message if field not exist or type bad conversion.
%YAML 1.2
data_folder : Data/${today}
trader_id : 42
username : username
server_ip :
server_port : 8888
format_time : 10:17:19.123
Get field with code
#include "YAMLGetField.h"
TEST_CASE("YAMLGetFieldTest", "[WCCommon]") {
std::string config_file("YAMLGetFieldTest.yaml");
std::string today_str { wcc::get_today_str() };
YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(config_file);
std::string data_folder; YAML_GET_FIELD(data_folder, config, data_folder);
uint64_t trader_id ; YAML_GET_FIELD(trader_id , config, trader_id );
std::string username ; YAML_GET_FIELD(username , config, username );
std::string server_ip ; YAML_GET_FIELD(server_ip , config, server_ip );
uint32_t server_port; YAML_GET_FIELD(server_port, config, server_port);
wcc::NumericTime format_time; YAML_GET_FIELD(format_time, config, format_time);
REQUIRE(data_folder == fmt::format("Data/{}", today_str));
REQUIRE(trader_id == 42);
REQUIRE(username == "username");
REQUIRE(server_ip == "");
REQUIRE(server_port == 8888);
REQUIRE(format_time == wcc::NumericTime(10, 17, 19, 123));
Convert GBK strings to UTF8 encoding strings;
namespace wcc {
// get today string as format YYYYMMDD
inline std::string get_today_str() ;
// get current time string as format HHMMSS
inline std::string get_time_str() ;
// create folder if the folder not exist
// returns:
// 0: if the folder has already been exist
// 1: if the folder is created
// throw:
// runtime_error: if not have permission or need recursive create
inline int mkdir_if_not_exist(const std::string& folder) ;
// check if file exist
// throw:
// runtime_error: if file not exist or not have permission to read
inline void check_file_exist(std::string const& name) ;
// create and management *nix FIFO
class FIFOInfo;
DefEnum is a macro to define enum with reflection easily.
namespace test {
// A test example here
DEF_ENUM(logout_reason_t, uint8_t,
(user_initiated_logout, 1)
(system_initiated_logout) // this will be 2
(heartbeat_failure, 101)
} // namespace test
TEST_CASE("enum values", "[DEF_ENUM]") {
REQUIRE(uint8_t(test::logout_reason_t::user_initiated_logout) == 1);
REQUIRE(uint8_t(test::logout_reason_t::system_initiated_logout) == 2);
REQUIRE(uint8_t(test::logout_reason_t::heartbeat_failure) == 101);
TEST_CASE("enum strings", "[DEF_ENUM]") {
REQUIRE(stringize(test::logout_reason_t::user_initiated_logout) == "user_initiated_logout");
REQUIRE(stringize(test::logout_reason_t::system_initiated_logout) == "system_initiated_logout");
REQUIRE(stringize(test::logout_reason_t::heartbeat_failure) == "heartbeat_failure");
DefEnum is a macro to define std::tuple with reflection easily.
namespace test {
(int, SeqNo) // unique in one channel
(double, Price, 6) // Price1, Price2, ..., Price5
(int, Volume, 6), // Volume1, Volume2, ..., Volume5
} // namespace test
TEST_CASE("Usages", "[DEF_TUPLE]") {
test::Transaction t{}; // all zeros
REQUIRE(test::stringize(t) == // everything's zero
"SeqNo:0, "
"Price1:0, Price2:0, Price3:0,Price4:0, Price5:0, "
"Volume1:0, Volume2:0, Volume3:0, Volume4:0, Volume5:0");
std::get<test::TransactionField::SeqNo>(t) = 1;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Price1>(t) = 10000;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Price2>(t) = 20000;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Price3>(t) = 30000;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Price4>(t) = 40000;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Price5>(t) = 50000;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Volume1>(t) = 101;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Volume2>(t) = 201;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Volume3>(t) = 301;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Volume4>(t) = 401;
std::get<test::TransactionField::Volume5>(t) = 501;
REQUIRE(test::stringize(t) ==
"SeqNo:1, "
"Price1:10000, Price2:20000, Price3:30000, Price4:40000, Price5:50000, "
"Volume1:101, Volume2:201, Volume3:301, Volume4:401, Volume5:501");
auto const& names = test::trans_field_names(); // names is a ref to a invisible static global vector
REQUIRE(names[0] == "SeqNo");
REQUIRE(names[1] == "Price1");
REQUIRE(names[2] == "Price2");
REQUIRE(names[3] == "Price3");
REQUIRE(names[4] == "Price4");
REQUIRE(names[5] == "Price5");
REQUIRE(names[6] == "Volume1");
REQUIRE(names[7] == "Volume2");
REQUIRE(names[8] == "Volume3");
REQUIRE(names[9] == "Volume4");
REQUIRE(names[10] == "Volume5");