This is an application that virtualizes list from a server without any downtime after load.
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_key |
string |
Required. Key value amount |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Amount |
string |
Required. Amount of item to fetch |
Takes the amount
Add badges from somewhere like:
Color | Hex |
Primary Color | #ba7dff |
bG-Color light | #6E2FB5 |
primary light | #e1f5fe |
bG-Color dark | #361758 |
Link: Virtualize
- dark Mode
- Scroll to top
- Speed Scroll
- Loader animation
- Fullscreen mode
- Cross platform
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Javascript, HTML, CSS, React.js, Docker, Webpack
Install virtualize with npm
npm install virtualize
cd virtualize
Install packages
npm install
Optimized display rendering, to fetch data but not load, until scroll actions. Optimized scroll to top feature for all browsers and screens
- Initialize project using Create React App
- Create file and folder structures for App
- Pull data from API and test Render
- Style table and table content
- Set loading state for first Render
- Add Scroll design
- Fix CSS border styling
- Add scroll to top and Logo
- Change scroll thumb color
- Speed up loader and resize container
- Resize table container
- Improve loader animation text
- Color choice is a rarely used dark mode feature for lists, reason for color is to make list look more attractive
- Choice of Language is React chose this because is Widely used and it is very easy to implement
- Had challenges trying to figure out the best way to render list without down time, considering I can't use any external Library for that. So, on my research I had to make sure I was optimizing every feature in the Application, from fetching data, making code light weight, and using CSS "content-display: auto;" to improver performance
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd virtualize
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
For support, email [email protected] .
Client: React, CSS, JavaScript
Server: API