My C Piscine projects for 42 School
Module C 06 - Command-line argument manipulation
- Exercise 00: ft_print_program_name - Print program name.
- Exercise 01: ft_print_params - Print command-line arguments.
- Exercise 02: ft_rev_params - Print command-line arguments in reverse order.
- Exercise 03: ft_sort_params - Print command-line arguments in ASCII order.
Module C 07 - String and memory manipulation
- Exercise 00: ft_strdup - Duplicate a string using malloc.
- Exercise 01: ft_range - Create an array of integers in a given range.
- Exercise 02: ft_ultimate_range - Populate and return an array of integers in a range.
- Exercise 03: ft_strjoin - Concatenate strings with a separator.
- Exercise 05: ft_split - Split a string using a string separator.
Module C 08 - Header files and data structures
- Exercise 00: ft.h - Create a header file with function prototypes.
- Exercise 01: ft_boolean.h - Create a header with macros for even/odd checks.
- Exercise 02: ft_abs.h - Create a header with a function-like macro to get absolute values.
- Exercise 03: ft_point.h - Create a header with a point struct and typedef.
- Exercise 04: ft_strs_to_tab - Convert string array to a custom struct array.
- Exercise 05: ft_show_tab - Display contents of the custom struct array.
Module C 09 - Library and build management
- Exercise 00: libft - Create a library with basic string and utility functions.
- Exercise 01: Makefile - Create a Makefile for compiling the library.
- Exercise 02: ft_split - Split a string using multiple separators.
Module C 10 - File handling and utilities
- Exercise 00: display_file - Create a program that displays the content of a file given as an argument.
- Exercise 01: cat - Create a program that mimics the system's cat command to display file contents.