SSN Starfish Data Platform BLE TI SensorTag snap
29June2017 [email protected]
a) The machine running the snap must have internet connectivity. b) Latest version (v2.28) of Snapcraft tool must be installed on system.
Make the snap :
When the process completes then you can see "starfish-sensortag-app_*.snap" in the current directory.
Install the snap :
sudo snap install starfish-sensortag-app_*.snap --devmode
Attach the bluetooth-control plug :
sudo snap connect starfish-sensortag-app:bluetooth-control core:bluetooth-control
After installing the snap you should be able to see the below snap apps in the /snap/bin directory
b) starfish-sensortag-app.blescan
c) starfish-sensortag-app.sensortag
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan | grep -C3 CC2650
#note the MAC/UUID address
starfish-sensortag-app.sensortag -t1 -n1 -all <MAC/UUID> <ClientId> <ClienSecret> <MAC/UUID> <NoOfObs>
The parameters to be passed (in-order) are described below :
- ClientId : Valid Startfish Studio platform client Id.
- ClientSecret : Valid Starfish Studio platform client secret.
- MAC/UUID : MAC address of TI-Sensortag obtained from blescan.
- NoOfObs : Number of observations to be fetched from the TI-sensortag.
#Additional notes
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan |grep -C3 'CC2650 SensorTag'
sudo starfish-sensortag-app.blescan -i1 |grep -C3 'CC2650 SensorTag'
#result looks like: Device (new): 24:71:89:1a:69:02 (public), -40 dBm Flags: <05> Incomplete 16b Services: <80aa> Complete Local Name: 'CC2650 SensorTag' Tx Power: <00> 0x12: <08002003> Manufacturer: <0d00030000>
#either use post or post with nohup below; use clientid/secret, and mac from above <#samples>
#post 5fbc1321-69f8-4750-afea-8a6f7795cfba ngmAApeRzyZTmXjGRq3UQRudoyk+nxM1QoGjZ/GBEYD56C69YeOgVA 24:71:89:1a:69:02 10
#post nohup (allows disconnect) nohup 5fbc1321-69f8-4750-afea-8a6f7795cfba ngmAApeRzyZTmXjGRq3UQRudoyk+nxM1QoGjZ/GBEYD56C69YeOgVA 24:71:89:1A:69:02 10 &
This snap works with the TI CC2650 multi-standard SensorTag and Starfish SDK. It obtains the following readings from sensors and posts them to Starfish Data Platform:
- Temp: Ambient and Object temperature (Cs)
- Humidity: Ambient temperature (Cs) and relative humidity (%)
- Barometer: Temperature (Cs) and Air Pressure (hPa)
- Accelerometer: X,Y,Z axis with a default period for the data is one second. (Gs)
- Magnetometer: Strength of a magnetic field in the three axis (uT)
- Gyroscope: Rotational motion (degrees/second)
- Light: Ambient Light (Lux)
post starfish deviceID sensor_obs aba9917e-7f9e-418a-ad43-91ee9a6562aa [object Object] Post Options:{ "method": "POST", "body": { "observations": [ { "timestamp": "2017-06-26T06:28:57.185Z", "temperature": 21.84375, "humidity": 51.0009765625, "barometer": 1005.85, "accelerometer": { "x": 0.00048828125, "y": -0.99609375, "z": 0.040771484375 }, "magnetometer": { "x": 40.18363858363858, "y": 0.7496947496947497, "z": 4.947985347985348 }, "gyroscope": { "x": 3.18145751953125, "y": -1.02996826171875, "z": -1.4495849609375 }, "light": 20.85, "percentlevel": 83 } ] },