Serverless, IPFS, Tweetnacl-js-based chat application for terminal in an ncurses
- DM UI is broken and needs UX love
- Tab-completion of peer names, commands
- Tab / arrows to focus UI elements
- Social Proofs, see:
- Tests
- DMs List UI
- Paste screenshots into chat
- Keys / keychain persistence
- Key stretching / BIP-39 password for keychain, configuration data.
- Keybase-style UI layout
- Encrypted file sharing via tweetnacl-js & IPFS file storage
- SES-based plugins, (See: Secure ECMAScript )
- Group encrypted chat
- Child_process for IPFS, workers for crypto? Discuss.
- Emojis
- Encrypted message persistence in IPFS via OrbitDB, js-threads?
Major issue
: Make pubsub work outside local networks: Works now via webrtc-star server as bootstrap node - Serverless 'lobby' chat multiple participants
- Serverless E2E encrypted chat for 2 participants (at first)
- As nerdy as possbile, hence the
Requirements: node 12, yarn
See signaling server and client configuration first:
npm install -g yarn
git clone [email protected]:daviddahl/wut.git
cd wut
yarn install
node main.js
yarn test