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davidedelpapa edited this page May 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Manage your Google Photo account with Python (Part 2)

A gphotospy tutorial.


In the first tutorial we saw how to set up API Keys and Authorization. After this we could see some actual code:

  • List albums: We saw how to list the albums inside our account, using Album.list()
  • List elements in album: We saw how to list all the media inside an album, using an album id, with the method Media.search_album(album_id)
  • show an image with Tk and PIL: we saw how to use Tk, python shipped UI, to show an image retrieved fom an album (using PIL image processing library to contruct the image)

In this tutorial we are going to see some ways to retrieve media inside our account.

List media

When we first open our account, media are showed by date (usually) independently of album categorization.

This corresponds to the Photos section you can see under the burgher menu, and inside the menu as well (admittedly is a bit confusing); it's called Photos but it contains photos and videos (Yes, it's confusing).

On the far right there is also a draggable time-line to searh by date.

We can list the content of this section with the Media.list().

This method, similarly to Album.list() which shows the media inside an album, is paginated in the API. However, in gPhotoSpy this pagination happens in the background: the method simply returns an iterator.

First things first, we get again the service (using the key file, and token file both saved in the first tutorial), and we construct the Media manager:

>>> from gphotospy import authorize
>>> from import *

We select secrets file saved beforehand (in the first tutorial)

>>> CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = "gphoto_oauth.json"

If we did not delete the .token file we will still have authorization, so we won't need to authorize again our app

So, we get authorization and return a service object

>>> service = authorize.init(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE)

Now, we can construct the media manager

>>> media_manager = Media(service)

Finally, we can get an iterator over the list of Media (all the media):

>>> media_iterator = media_manager.list()

It is important to remeber that if the Account is connected to an Android device usually the number of items is big, so it's better not to consume it all (with list() for example).

Instead, let's check the first item with next()

>>> first_media = next(media_iterator)
>>> first_media
{'id': 'AB1M5bKJueYgZdoz1c5Us..... # cut out

Ok, this thing is bugging me, the result is always mapped to a Python dictionary, but in reality its' json. When it's printed, though, it's not so pretty.

We can remedy very easily with Python's json module:

>>> import json
>>> print(json.dumps(first_media, indent=4))
    "id": "...",
    "productUrl": "",
    "baseUrl": "",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "mediaMetadata": {
        "creationTime": "2020-05-24T11:39:32Z",
        "width": "720",
        "height": "720",
        "photo": {
           "cameraMake": "...",
           "cameraModel": "...",
           "focalLength": "...",
           "apertureFNumber": "...",
           "isoEquivalent": "...",
           "exposureTime": "..."
    "filename": "...jpg"

Some information are not present all the times, for example for pictures taken with a smartphone camera usually the photo field inside the mediaMetadata is an empy object.


Let's say we want to show all media taken today, as in the account interface. We could retrieve a list of all media and search them by creation date. However, Google's API allows us a better way: we can search media with filters.

Of course, date is one such kind of filter, however filtering is not limited to date.

Here's the list of kind of filters available to us:

  • Content Categories
  • Dates and date ranges
  • Media types
  • Features
  • Archived state

All these filters are available with the, however there are some gotchas.

We will try them all, starting with dates.


The basics of search:, exclude=None)

For dates we have to construct a Date object (a Val object really, of type DATE), and pass it as filter to the search method.

The date() function is contained inside, with the following signature:

date(year=0, month=0, day=0)

year, month, and date are integers

  • year must be expressed as a 4 digits year, for example 1998, or 2020
  • month must be expressed as a 1 or 2 digits integer, for example 3 for March, or 11 for November.
  • day must be expressed as a 1 or 2 digits integer, and must be a valid date for the month (30 for February is a no-go)

Additionally, some fileds can be foregone for recurring dates: for example, you can leave out the year and get all

>>> xmas = date(month=12, day=25)

This way you can get all pictures for all Christmases.

At the time of writing these words is May 26th, 2020, so let's get today (update freeley)

>>> today = date(2020, 5, 26)

Now we have two dates to play with; let the quest ( begin!

>>> xmas_iterator =
>>> next(xmas_iterator)

Let's see as of today how many new media in our account

>>> today_iterator =
>>> today_media = list(today_iterator)
>>> len(today_media)

For me only 3, but it's still early in the morning

Date Ranges

We can also filter by a range of dates. We need the date_range() fuction:

date_range(start_date=date1, end_date=date2)

For example

>>> festivities = date_range(xmas, date(0, 12, 31))
>>> festivities_iterator =
>>> next(festivities_iterator)

Media Types and Media Mapping

After dates, we are moving to categorical filters, for which there are three specific classes to use as filters.

There is a API method to search for only Videos or only Photos, for which we use MEDIAFILTER

There are three available types:

  • MEDIAFILTER.ALL_MEDIA All media types included (default, not needed really)
  • MEDIAFILTER.PHOTO Media is a photo
  • MEDIAFILTER.VIDEO Media is a video

For example, to get photos only:

>>> photo_iterator =
>>> next(photo_iterator)

Same principle applies for MEDIAFILTER.VIDEO.


In a while we will se how to apply multiple filters (spoiler: just use an array of filters), however, in order to know onc we have a media if it is a photo or a video, we need to first map the media to the class Mediaitem, and then check if it is indeed a video or a photo:

For example, let's use again the list today_media we created earlier:

>>> a_media = MediaItem(today_media[0])
>>> a_media
< object at 0x7f07666ffdd0>

We mapped the first element of today_media to a MediaItem object

Now we can obtain several things, first of which a nice pretty-print of the Json object:

>>> print(a_media)

We have a 4 spaces indented json.dumps representation of the object.

Next the type check:

>>> a_media.is_photo()

Let's get a metadata object

>>> a_media.metadata()
{'creationTime': '2020-05-26T12:38:24Z', 'width': '480', 'height': '341', 'photo': {}}

We will see later on how to use it a little more

Featured filters

We can search featured media too, if any. THose are the 'starred' media, let's see if we have any.

  • FEATUREFILTER.NONE Not featured media (default)
  • FEATUREFILTER.FAVORITES Media marked as favourite (starred)

Google Photos des not encourage starring media, so it is higly probable that any given account has no favourite at all (mine didn't until I had to make some tests for this feature!)

>>> favourite_iterator =
>>> next(favourite_iterator)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>


TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Yep, empty iterator!

Let's talk a bit about guards, because in a regular script you'll find a use for this.

except (StopIteration, TypeError) as e:
    print("No featured media.")

I got a terse answer now:

No featured media.

Just to verify, I starred an item. We have to fetch again from the API, otherwise it will cache the earlier result:

>>> favourite_iterator =
>>> len(list(favourite_iterator))

Now there's at least an element to show!

Filter by Content

Each time we save media to Google Photos it passes trhough some Machine Learning algorithms that classify the media content. We can search trhought these categories with the class CONTENTFILTER. These are the classes available:


Let's give it a try, shall we? The following will take time to perform on most avìccounts today

>>> selfies_iterator =
>>> selfies = list(selfies_iterator)
>>> len(selfies) # never got to this part... CTRL+C !!!

I left it going on for a while, then interrupted it CTRL+C.

Instead let's do like this:

>>> houses_iterator =
>>> next(houses_iterator).get("filename")

Combining filters and excluding some

We can combine filters at will

>>> combined_search_iterator =[CONTENTFILTER.HOUSES, CONTENTFILTER.SPORT])

WATCHOUT, BE CAREFUL Contrary to what you might think, combining filter does not slim out the search!!!


In sum, if you combine CONTENTFILTER.FOOD and CONTENTFILTER.TRAVEL does not return only pictures of exotic food you got on that trip at the seafood market in China (bats, eh?). It return ALL food pictures (and videos), including grandma's porridge, and ALL travel pictures, including those stupid pictures taken in the washrooms in Italy (yes, we knew all along!).

Filter out

As we have seen, combining just adds up, it does not slim down a search. However, you can exclude categories (meager consolation).

If you remember the search signature, there is an exclude argument:

>>> exclude_some_iterator =, CONTENTFILTER.CRAFTS)

So yes, you have to remeber that the second argument is the exclusion, not another filter to add (in fact you must put all filters in an array)

Search: Putting all together

We can put all together, for example:

>>> combined_iterator =
        date(2020, 4, 24),
            start_date=date(2020, 4, 19),
            end_date=date(2020, 4, 21)

Very complicated still, and I got some results

>>> combined = list(combined_iterator)
>>> len(combined)

Nine pictures. Contrast it with the following, which is a list of videos only

>>> combined_iterator =
...     filter=[
...         date(2020, 4, 24),
...         date_range(
...             start_date=date(2020, 4, 19),
...             end_date=date(2020, 4, 21)
...         )
...     ],
...     exclude=[
>>> combined= list(combined_iterator)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>


You guessed it, no video

Same search, but without content filters or exclusions, only dates; still searching for videos

>>> combined_videos =
...     filter=[
...         date(2020, 4, 24),
...         date_range(
...             start_date=date(2020, 4, 19),
...             end_date=date(2020, 4, 21)
...         )
...     ])
>>> combined = list(combined_videos)
>>> len(combined)

Eight videos in total

Downloading media

Downloading time!

Let's get a media; for example a video

>>> video_iterator =
>>> media = MediaItem(next(video_iterator))

Now downloading it is as trivial as opening a file and save the raw_download data!

>>> with open(media.filename(), 'wb') as output:
...         output.write(media.raw_download())

With media.filename() we got the filename, and with media.raw_download() the raw data read from the "baseUrl" proper flags.

We could as easily save a picture:

>>> photo_iterator =
>>> media = MediaItem(next(photo_iterator))
>>> with open(media.filename(), 'wb') as output:
...     output.write(media.raw_download())

View a video (with a trick)

Last time we saw how to view a picture with Tkinter in Python. This time we will see how to view a video.

First things first, we have to istall opencv

pip install opencv-python

We have already installed pillow, otherwise we need it as well

Then we import Tkinter

>>> import tkinter

Next, I have created a file (in a gist) with two classes:

  1. ImgVideoCapture: hHis class wraps the opencv's cv2.VideoCapture(video_url), and provides a method to extract frames as PIL images. This is needed because Tkinter has native funcions only to show images, through ImageTk. Moreover, as we have seen last time, it's even better to use pillow's wrapper for the same class PIL.ImageTk

  2. VideoApp: This is a class that creates a Tkinter window, with a canvas where to show the PIL.ImageTk. Moreover it has an update function that continually calls the frame extractor in ImgVideoCapture and calls itself again and again (every 15 millisecs, but it can be configured) with window.after(). This class contains also a call to window.mainloop() so that it mantains itself alive during the video and after the end of it.

So let's download the gist and save it in the current directory as

Next, we import the two classes from it

>>> from video_show import ImgVideoCapture, VideoApp

Let's fetch a video to watch:

>>> video_iterator =
>>> media = MediaItem(next(video_iterator))

We create a Tkinter root and we get the popcorns:

>>> root = tkinter.Tk()
>>> VideoApp(root, media)

Relax and enjoy the show.


Well, we did so many things today, I need really to relax.

You just stay tuned for next tutorial, to take full charge of your Google Photo's account with Python


You can find the whole code in this gist except for the, which is in this other gist.