Utilities for SDRPlusPlus
Tool to import in SDRPlusPlus (https://github.com/AlexandreRouma/SDRPlusPlus/) a database of the SDRSharp (https://airspy.com/download/) plugin FMSuite (https://www.freqmgrsuite.com/).
The script is made to import bookmarks in the advanced bookmark manager by Darau Blé (https://github.com/darauble/bookmark_manager). However, it is compatible aswell with the standard SDR++ frequency manager module.
Tested version 2.0 with Python 3.10, SDRPlusPlus 1.1.0 and FMSuite 2.3. Bookmarks manager 0.1.7.
Run the script import_FMSuite.py
with Python interpreter.
Select the FMSuite database (in SDRsharp\Plugins\FMSuite\FMSuite.Databases
), select the output filename.
Then in SDRPlusPlus, in the bookmarks manager or frequency manager, select "Import" button. Create a new group beforehand is useful but not mandatory.
It's a work in progress. Merged into main (https://github.com/AlexandreRouma/SDRPlusPlus/blob/master/root/res/bandplans/netherlands.json).
I use the following colors in the root/config.json
"bandColors": {
"amateur": "#FF0000FF",
"amateur1": "#CC0000FF",
"aviation": "#00FF00FF",
"broadcast": "#0000FFFF",
"marine": "#00FFFFFF",
"marine1": "#00CCCCFF",
"military": "#FFFF00FF",
"satellite": "#909090FF",
"satellite1": "#505050FF",
"utility": "#FFFF00FF",
"utility1": "#AAAA00FF"
"bandPlan": "Netherlands",
"bandPlanEnabled": true,