Hello! I'm David(Tengjun) Gao
- I like to do things to prove I can do it. (Reason to learn VIM motion btw)
- I'm currently studying at Northeastern University
; Master of Professional Studies in Informatics, Cloud Computing Concentration
- I used to work as a Machine Learning Engineer, I help our company to establish their first MLOps system by utilizing Kubernetes components. I also learned other tools like Dolphine Scheduler
- I earned my BSCS degree at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
with minors in Math and Physics
- If you happen to know any job opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact me!
- Never stop learning! Connect with me using the link below:
Feel free to chat with me!
...And social networking!
Happy Coding!
Learning zig to understand more low level... For more recent blogs you can check out here .
My recent blog updates
- If you encounter the Jupyter Notebook Rendering Issue
- If github in unable to render a Jupyter notebook, copy the link of the notebook and enter into the nbviewer: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/
- If some of the colored text not showing, please use nbviewer