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Allow each DbContext to be initialized & destroyed independently based on its Model.


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EF Core Initialization

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  • The way EF Core initialization/destruction (context.Database.EnsureCreated & context.Database.EnsureDeleted) has been developed is that it assumes each DbContext uses a seperate physical data store.
  • This assumption is probably correct for production but when developing/prototyping I like to have multiple DbContexts using the same physical localDB/Sqlite data store.
  • Perfect for Modular Monoliths as often Microservices are overkill. Microservices allow for independent versioning, release and scaling but increase complexity which is often not needed. Modular Monoliths means each module has independent Presentation, Business and Data like Microservices but are packaged together for Deployment.
  • I have created the following extension methods which aims to allow each DbContext to be initialized & destroyed independently based on its Model. This also allows for a DbContent to switch from EnsureCreated() and Migrate() easily.
  • Generally in staging/production environments all contexts will call context.Database.Migrate() which automatically allows for multiple DbContexts to use the same physical sql data store.



PM> Install-Package EntityFrameworkCore.Initialization

.Net CLI

> dotnet add package EntityFrameworkCore.Initialization


  • context.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync() = Ensures only tables and migrations related to this context are deleted.
  • context.EnsureDbAndTablesCreatedAsync() = Ensures Db created and only tables related to this context are created.
  • context.ClearData() = Only data related to this context is deleted.
  • Ensure Language Version is set to 'C# latest minor version (latest) to allow async Main.
  • Ensure Main method is async.
 public class Program
	public static async Task Main(string[] args)

Development Environment Example - Ideal for Rapid Prototyping

var sqlServerConnectionString = "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=DevDatabase;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";
var sqliteConnectionString = "Data Source=DevDatabase.db;";

Execution 1: Delete and Create for all contexts. Ideal for rapid prototyping.
await dataContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await dataContext.EnsureDbAndTablesCreatedAsync();

await identityContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await identityContext.EnsureDbAndTablesCreatedAsync();

await cmsContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await cmsContext.EnsureDbAndTablesCreatedAsync();

Integration Environment Example

var sqlServerConnectionString = "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=IntegrationDatabase;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";
var sqliteConnectionString = "Data Source=IntegrationDatabase.db;";

await dataContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await dataContext.Database.MigrateAsync();

await identityContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await identityContext.Database.MigrateAsync();

await cmsContext.EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync();
await cmsContext.Database.MigrateAsync();

Staging/Production Example

var sqlServerConnectionString = "Server=Server;Database=ProductionDatabase;Username=XXX;Password=XXX;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";

await dataContext.Database.MigrateAsync();
await identityContext.Database.MigrateAsync();
await cmsContext.Database.MigrateAsync();


  • The EnsureTablesAndMigrationsDeletedAsync() method won't drop tables for Entities that have been deleted from the Context but for development/prototyping this is Ok.

SQL Server and SQLite Migrations

public class Context : DbContext
	protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
		optionsBuilder.ReplaceService<IMigrationsAnnotationProvider, RelationalMigrationsAnnotationsProvider>();

See Also


Allow each DbContext to be initialized & destroyed independently based on its Model.







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