Oracle Blockchain App Builder Utilities is a collection of helpers along the usage lifecycle
- Node v12
- npm v6.x (tested with 6.13.4)
- macos
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo npm install -g ./oracle-ochain-cli-22.4.3.tgz
- Install Windows Build Tools in a powershell with administrative access. npm install --global windows-build-tools If you are developing Go smart contracts, install Go v1.14 Visual Studio Build tool 2019 with C/C++ default tool set
- BAB self-housekeep as VSCode extension
- Repatching: manually force the Blockchain App Builder to patch.
Oracle Blockchain Platform Enable Repatching
- Resetting Extension Data: clean corrupted user data
Oracle Blockchain Platform Reset Extension Data
- It will clear the existing blockchain data and reload the default installation data.
- This will not affect the files stored locally in your system, but you will have to import them back into VS Code and reconfigure any environments you had previously set up.
- Repatching: manually force the Blockchain App Builder to patch.
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