- HistDB: https://github.com/larkery/zsh-histdb
- OhMyPosh: https://ohmyposh.dev/
- ZSH AutoSuggestions: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
- ZSH SyntaxHighlighting: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- delta: https://github.com/dandavison/delta
- ripgrep
sudo apt update
sudo apt install \
diff-so-fancy \
figlet \
fzf \
git \
htop \
jq \
lsd \
miniforge \
ncdu \
neovim \
tmux \
tree \
# GitHub cli
# https://cli.github.com/
brew install gh
brew install coreutils
brew install diff-so-fancy
brew install graphviz
brew install ffmpeg
brew install direnv
brew install jq
brew install --cask miniconda
brew install awscli
brew install zoxide
brew install neofetch
brew install lsd
brew install neovim
brew install tmux
# Apps
brew install --cask karabiner-elements
brew install --cask alt-tab
brew install --cask anki
# Get the current session name
CURRENT_SESSION=$(tmux display-message -p '#S')
# Define the name of the popup session
if [[ $CURRENT_SESSION == *-popup* ]]; then
# If inside a popup session, detach to close it
tmux detach-client
# If not in a popup session, open the popup
tmux display-popup -d "$(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_path}')" -xC -yC -w 92% -h 92% -E "tmux attach-session -t $POPUP_SESSION || tmux new-session -s $POPUP_SESSION"
# setup.sh
echo 'adding stuff to your .zshrc'
echo '\n>>> davidkuda'
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidkuda/dotfiles/main/.zshrc >> $HOME/.zshrc
echo '<<< davidkuda\n'
# tmux
echo 'Do you want to download .tmux.conf and write to $HOME/.tmux.conf? (type yes for approval)'
echo '(Warning, this will overwrite an existing file)'
read tmux
if [[ $tmux == "yes" ]]
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidkuda/dotfiles/main/.tmux.conf --output $HOME/.tmux.conf
sh -c $(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidkuda/dotfiles/main/setup.sh)