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Releases: davidmarquis/redis-scheduler


08 Apr 14:14
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  • NEW: Support for usage without Spring Data Redis, using lower level client libraries like Jedis and Lettuce (synchronous mode). See README for details. Additional drivers can be written for other client libraries by implementing the RedisDriver interface. If you do write other drivers, please contribute them to the project!
  • NEW: Java 9+ support
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Spring Data dependency is now declared as provided and thus must be included explicitly in your own projects.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Class RedisTaskSchedulerImpl has been renamed to RedisTaskScheduler.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Interface RedisTaskScheduler has been renamed to TaskScheduler.


04 Sep 15:38
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The project is now available on Maven Central and released under the MIT license, enjoy!

  • NEW: Migrated to Java 8, now using java.time API
  • CHANGE: schedule() method has been renamed to scheduleAt() and takes an Instant to specify the trigger time instead of a Calendar.