A navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like. SLPagingViewSwift is a Swift port of the Objective-C of SLPagingView
- iOS 7.0+
CocosPods is the recommended method to install SLPagingView.
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SLPagingViewSwift'
And run
pod install
Import SLPagingView folder into your project.
Easy to implement:
// Make views for the navigation bar
var img1 = UIImage(named: "gear")
img1 = img1?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
var img2 = UIImage(named: "profile")
img2 = img2?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
var img3 = UIImage(named: "chat")
img3 = img3?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate)
var items = [UIImageView(image: img1), UIImageView(image: img2), UIImageView(image: img3)]
var controllers = [ctr1, ctr2, ctr3]
controller = SLPagingViewSwift(items: items, controllers: controllers, showPageControl: false)
Then you can make your own behaviors:
// Tinder Like
controller?.pagingViewMoving = ({ subviews in
for v in subviews {
var lbl = v as UIImageView
var c = gray
if(lbl.frame.origin.x > 45 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 145) {
c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(46), bottomX: Double(144), initC: orange, goal: gray)
else if (lbl.frame.origin.x > 145 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 245) {
c = self.gradient(Double(lbl.frame.origin.x), topX: Double(146), bottomX: Double(244), initC: gray, goal: orange)
else if(lbl.frame.origin.x == 145){
c = orange
lbl.tintColor = c
##Other example
Twitter like behaviors
// Twitter Like
controller?.pagingViewMovingRedefine = ({ scrollView, subviews in
var i = 0
var xOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.x
for v in subviews {
var lbl = v as UILabel
var alpha = CGFloat(0)
if(lbl.frame.origin.x > 45 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 145) {
alpha = 1.0 - (xOffset - (CGFloat(i)*320.0)) / 320.0
else if (lbl.frame.origin.x > 145 && lbl.frame.origin.x < 245) {
alpha = (xOffset - (CGFloat(i)*320.0)) / 320.0 + 1.0
else if(lbl.frame.origin.x == 145){
alpha = 1.0
lbl.alpha = CGFloat(alpha)
###Set current page
If you want to changed the default page control index (or whatever) you can do it calling:
func setCurrentIndex(index: NSInteger, animated: Bool)
###Navigation items style
You can easily customized the navigation items setting up:
var navigationSideItemsStyle: SLNavigationSideItemsStyle
By using one of these values:
enum SLNavigationSideItemsStyle: Int {
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleOnBounds = 40
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleClose = 30
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleNormal = 20
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleFar = 10
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleDefault = 0
case SLNavigationSideItemsStyleCloseToEachOne = -40
##License Available under MIT license, please read LICENSE for more informations.