In January 2020, the World Health Organizatin declared the Covid-19 Virus (aka Coronavirus) represents a public health emergency of international concern. On January 31, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the virus to be a health emergency for the United States. The first recorded case in the United States was on January 22, 2020.
This application, Covid-19 Tracker is a web application that enables the user to see what is happening around the world regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic on one screen. The application enables the user to select one of the top 10 hotspots around the World and see live updates of how many cases have been Confirmed, Recovered, and Deaths associated to Covid-19 in that country. Along side the map, the news will display the latest headline news regarding health news in that country.
In the United States, the user has the ability to zoom into the US, select the marker in the state and see a chart that plots confirmed cases by day for that state.
Provides CSS Framework and Responsive styling to the application based on Flexbox. -
The Mapbox web service APIs allowed the application to access mapbox tools and map services. -
Open-Source JavaScript library allowed the application to pin markers to the map and open PopUps for the country data when clicked. -
A simple and easy-to-use API that returns JSON metadata for international headlines with the ability to filter by topic (HEALTH). -
api.covid19api (getpostman)
Provides detailed up to date status reports on Covid-19 cases around the world. -
The framework determines how the appliation interacts with the end user. -
JavaScript and jQuery The API calls, responses, data processing and user interaction occurs in the JavaScript and jQuery.
The team worked together to develop the idea, plan, design, develop and implement in less than 7 days.
*** Juliet George
*** Brad Davis
*** Michael Downs