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kimo-k committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent ceb8495 commit 05eab0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 86 additions and 48 deletions.
74 changes: 53 additions & 21 deletions src/re_com/nested_grid/util.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns re-com.nested-grid.util
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
#?@(:cljs [[reagent.core :as r]
[re-com.util :as u]])))
[re-com.util :as u]

(defn path->grid-line-name [path]
(str "line__" (hash path) "-start"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,27 +198,58 @@
:windowed-sizes [20 20 20 40 20 20 20],
:windowed-sums [0 180 240 260 300 320 340]})

(defn lazy-grid-template
(defn lazy-grid-tokens
[{:keys [windowed-paths windowed-sizes windowed-sums sum-size]}]
(let [grid-line (fn [path] (str "[line__" (hash path) "-start]"))]
(str/join " "
(loop [[path & rest-paths] windowed-paths
[size & rest-sizes] windowed-sizes
[sum & [next-sum :as rest-sums]] (conj windowed-sums sum-size)
result []]
(let [spacer? (not= next-sum (+ sum size))
next-result (if spacer?
(conj result
(grid-line path)
(str size "px")
(str (- next-sum size sum) "px"))
(conj result
(grid-line path)
(str size "px")))]
(if (empty? rest-sizes)
(conj next-result "[end]")
(recur rest-paths rest-sizes rest-sums next-result)))))))
(into ["[start]"]
(loop [[path & rest-paths] windowed-paths
[size & rest-sizes] windowed-sizes
[sum & [next-sum :as rest-sums]] (conj windowed-sums sum-size)
result []]
(let [spacer? (not= next-sum (+ sum size))
next-result (if spacer?
(conj result
(- next-sum size sum))
(conj result
(if (empty? rest-sizes)
(conj next-result "[end]")
(recur rest-paths rest-sizes rest-sums next-result))))))

(defn lazy-grid-template [grid-tokens]
(str/join " "
(map #(cond (string? %) %
(vector? %) (str "[" (path->grid-line-name %) "]")
(number? %) (str % "px"))
"] [" " "))

(defn ancestry [path]
(take (count path) (iterate pop path)))

(defn grid-spans [grid-tokens]
(let [results (volatile! {})
spacer? #{"[spacer]"}]
(->> grid-tokens
(drop-while (complement vector?))
(partition-by vector?)
(partition-all 2)
(mapv (fn [[[path] children]]
(vswap! results update path + (count (filter spacer? children)))
(doseq [p (ancestry path)]
(vswap! results update p + 1 (count (filter spacer? children)))))))

Expand Down
60 changes: 33 additions & 27 deletions src/re_demo/nested_grid.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -996,12 +996,13 @@

(def scroll-top (r/atom 0))
(def scroll-left (r/atom 0))

(defn window-search-test [{:keys [tree]}]
(let [container-ref (r/atom nil)
set-container-ref! (partial reset! container-ref)
#_#_scroll-top (r/atom nil)
scroll-left (r/atom nil)
#_#_scroll-left (r/atom nil)
on-scroll! #(do (reset! scroll-top (.-scrollTop (.-target %)))
(reset! scroll-left (.-scrollLeft (.-target %))))
window-size 100
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1062,6 +1063,8 @@
(defn new-nested-grid [{:keys [row-tree column-tree]}]
(let [internal-row-tree (r/atom (u/deref-or-value row-tree))
internal-column-tree (r/atom (u/deref-or-value column-tree))
wx (r/reaction @scroll-left)
ww (r/atom 50)
wy (r/reaction @scroll-top)
wh (r/atom 100)
row-traversal (r/reaction (ngu/walk-size {:tree @internal-row-tree :window-start (* @wy 2) :window-end (+ (* @wy 2) @wh)}))
Expand All @@ -1075,58 +1078,61 @@
(fn [{:keys [row-tree column-tree cell row-header-width column-header-height]
:or {row-header-width 40
column-header-height 25
cell [:div {:style {:border "thin solid grey"}}]}}]
cell (fn [{:keys [row-path column-path]}]
[:div {:style {:border "thin solid grey"
:grid-row-start (ngu/path->grid-line-name row-path)
:grid-column-start (ngu/path->grid-line-name column-path)}}])}}]
(u/deref-or-value row-tree)
(u/deref-or-value column-tree)
(let [{row-space :level->space
row-height-total :sum-size
windowed-row-paths :windowed-paths
windowed-row-sizes :windowed-sizes
windowed-row-sums :windowed-sums} #p @row-traversal
windowed-row-paths :windowed-paths} @row-traversal
{column-space :level->space
column-width-total :sum-size
windowed-column-paths :windowed-paths
windowed-column-sizes :windowed-sizes} @column-traversal
windowed-column-paths :windowed-paths} @column-traversal
column-depth (count column-space)
column-header-heights (repeat column-depth column-header-height)
column-header-height-total (apply + column-header-heights)
row-depth (count row-space)
row-header-widths (repeat row-depth row-header-width)
row-header-width-total (apply + row-header-widths)
row-tokens (ngu/lazy-grid-tokens @row-traversal)
row-template (ngu/lazy-grid-template row-tokens)
row-spans (ngu/grid-spans row-tokens)
column-tokens (ngu/lazy-grid-tokens @column-traversal)
column-template (ngu/lazy-grid-template column-tokens)
spacer-container [:div {:style {:border "thin solid lightblue"}} "spacer"]
column-header-container [:div {:style {:border "thin solid lightblue"}} "column"]
row-header-container [:div {:style {:display :grid
:grid-template-rows (ngu/grid-template (interleave (vec (concat [[:start]] windowed-row-paths [[:end]]))
(differences (conj windowed-row-sums row-height-total))))
:grid-template-rows row-template
:grid-template-columns (ngu/grid-template row-header-widths)}}]
row-header-cells (for [path windowed-row-paths]
[:div {:style {:grid-row-start (ngu/path->grid-line-name path)
:grid-row-end (str "span " (get row-spans path))
:grid-column-start (count path)
:border "thin solid green"
:grid-column-end (str "span " (+ 1 (- row-depth (count path))))
:border-top "thin solid green"
:border-left "thin solid green"
:overflow :hidden
:font-size 8}}
:font-size 8}}

(pr-str path)])
main-container [:div
{:style {:flex "0 0 auto"
:display :grid
:grid-template-rows (ngu/grid-template [column-header-height-total row-height-total])
:grid-template-columns (ngu/grid-template [row-header-width-total column-width-total])}}]
cell-grid-container [:div {:style {:display :grid
:grid-template-rows (ngu/grid-template (interleave (vec (concat [[:start]] windowed-row-paths [[:end]]))
(differences (conj windowed-row-sums row-height-total))))
:grid-template-columns (ngu/grid-template (interleave windowed-column-paths
top-spacer-cells (for [column-path windowed-column-paths]
cells (for [row-path windowed-row-paths
column-path windowed-column-paths]
(u/part cell {:row-path row-path :column-path column-path}))]
main-container [:div
{:style {:flex "0 0 auto"
:display :grid
:grid-template-rows (ngu/grid-template [column-header-height-total row-height-total])
:grid-template-columns (ngu/grid-template [row-header-width-total column-width-total])}}]
cell-grid-container [:div {:style {:display :grid
:grid-template-rows row-template
:grid-template-columns column-template}}]
cells (for [row-path windowed-row-paths
column-path windowed-column-paths]
(u/part cell {:row-path row-path :column-path column-path}))]
(conj main-container
(into row-header-container row-header-cells)
(into cell-grid-container (concat top-spacer-cells cells)))))})))
(into cell-grid-container cells))))})))

(def row-tree (r/atom ngu/test-tree))

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