Your streams are now promises in your favourite promise library, so you no longer have to choose between using streams and functional programming. An instance of a stream in this sense is either the empty Stream (a promise of an empty Array) or a promise of both a dynamic value and Stream.
Stream :: EmptyStream | Promise [Dynamic, Stream]
npm install streams-as-promised
var Stream = require('streams-as-promised')(Promise);
where ```Promise```` is your favourite promise library (bluebird is advised).
To create a stream from an array:
var stream = new Stream([0,1,2,3]);
To read from a node readable stream:
var stream = (new Stream()).read(readable);
To write to a node writable stream:
var sameStreamForChaining = stream.write(writable);
To apply a function fn
to every value in a stream:
var mappedStream =;
using the .then function will return a promise of an array, if you want to chain streams use onResolved, Function ifEmpty, [Function onRejected]) -> Stream
onResolved(Dynamic x, Stream xs) -> Stream | [Dynamic, Stream]
ifEmpty() -> Stream
onRejected(Dynamic reason) -> Stream
var streamOfTypes =, xs){
return [typeof x, xs];
}, function(){
return [];