On hover over a card the remaining cards will go blurred.
Refer to index.html file
We have a division with id="featureImgs"
which contains all the image boxes, all positioned center using Bootstrap 4 and we have a class for image boxes class="featureImg"
Using these two selectors, we're gonna make the blur effect on hover.
Refer to styles.css file
Step 1. Blur all the cards on hover of the container
#featureImgs:hover .featureImg{
filter: blur(10px);
transform: scale(0.9);
opacity: 0.5;
Here, were are targeting the children class of the contrainer featureImgs
On hovering the cursor, rest of the cards will be blurred and scaled to 0.9 times of the actual size.
Step 2. Bringing the card in focus on hover of the mouse
#featureImgs .featureImg:hover{
filter: blur(0px);
transform: scale(1.05);
opacity: 1;
Here, were are targeting the children class of the contrainer featureImgs
on hovering over one of them.
On hovering the cursor, the cards will be focused and scaled to 1.05 times of the actual size.
You can add more effects such giving shadows to the focused card on hover and et cetera.