Vagrant files to install the latest released ClusterControl version on Centos/Redhat or Debian/Ubuntu based distributions. The default MySQL root user password on the ClusterControl host is 'root123'.
$ git clone [email protected]:severalnines/vagrant.git
Launches 1 instance for ClusterControl and 3 instances for DB Nodes.
# Download a base image from HashiCorp.
# If you want to use an existing or another box then change the Vagrantfile first.
$ vagrant box add bento/centos-7.1
$ cd clustercontrol/centos
$ vagrant up
Launches 1 instance for ClusterControl and 3 instances for DB Nodes.
# Download a base image from HashiCorp.
# If you want to use an existing or another box then change the Vagrantfile first.
$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
$ cd clustercontrol/ubuntu
$ vagrant up
The default memory allocated for each instance is 768MB.
- ClusterControl
- DB 1
- DB 2
- DB 3
# default password for the vagrant user is 'vagrant'
$ vagrant ssh vm1
# to all DB nodes copy over the root's public ssh key
[vagrant@n1 ~]$ for h in; do \
sudo cat /root/.ssh/ | ssh $h "sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh && \
sudo tee -a /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && sudo chmod 700 /root/.ssh && \
sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"; \
Open your web browser to http://localhost:8080/clustercontrol
- Register your ClusterControl admin user.
- Create your database cluster on the available DB nodes by clicking on 'Create Database Cluster'.