executable is in the debug folder
it must be run from the home folder debug\comp371_project.exe
Model Manipulation:
1,2,3,4,5 = select individual models
w = up
s = down
shift+a = translate left (translate along -x axis)
shift+d = translate right (translate along +x axis)
z = translate forwards (translate along -z axis)
c = translate backwards (translate alone +z axis)
shift+c = toggle continuous motion along z axis
a = rotate anti-clockwise (around the y-axis)
d = rotate clockwise (around the y-axis)
v = rotate clockwise (around the x-axis)
g = rotate anti-clockwise (around the x-axis)
h = rotate clockwise (around the z-axis)
b = rotate anti-clockwise (around the z-axis)
shift+b = toggle borders
u = scale up
j = scale down
r = shuffle model's object (generate random object for model)
shift+r = reset object position, orientation, and scale
o = return to original object
t = toggle render mode GL_TRIANGLES
p = toggle render mode GL_POINTS
l = toggle render mode GL_LINES
x = toggle textures
space = toggle shadows
Camera Manipulation:
left arrow key = pan left (along -x axis)
right arrow key = pan right (along +x axis)
up arrow key = move forward (along -z axis)
down arrow key = move backwards (along +z axis)
while right mouse button pressed, use mouse movement in x-direction to pan camera
while middle mouse button pressed, use mouse movement in y-direction to tilt camera
while left mouse button pressed, use mouse movement to zoom
Home key returns camera to starting position