HotLog ver 2.2 for old Delphi version (D7 D6 D5)
This unit is freeware, but under copyrights that remain mine for my parts of the code, and original writters for their parts of the code. This is mainly the case about "variant open array parameters" copying routines, that come from Rudy Velthuis' pages on the web at :
This unit can be freely used in any application, freeware, shareware or commercial. However, I would apreciate your sending me an email if you decide to use it. Of course, you use it under your own and single responsability. Neither me, nor contributors, could be held responsible for any problem resulting from the use of this unit. ;-)
It can also be freely distributed, provided all this licence remain within it unchanged, and that the readme.txt and this help file are distributed with it too.
Latest version, bug corrections, aso. available at
Copyright © 2004,2005 Olivier Touzot ( [email protected] )
HotLog.pas is the source file of a freeware LogFile manager. It works under D6 & D7, and should work under D5 (which I can't test). It's latest version can be downloaded from : - [email protected])
Enhancements, feedback and comments allways welcome, (c)Olivier Touzot ( [email protected] )
Install and use
Simply unzip HotLog.pas in the directory of your project, and add it to the "uses" clauses of the units you want to use THotLog. For more detailed explanations, please see the .chm help file provided.
You will need the StrUtils.pas (& dcu) files from the provided "arstrutils - D5 users"
This unit implements two functions : "LeftStr()" and "RightStr". It has been written by Alexis Rios and can be found at Torry's place (Alexis' web pages seem to no longer exists.)
You should copy both files (StrUtils.pas & StrUtils.dcu in a directory which path is known by your compiler (".\lib" is a good candidate).
Femi Fadayomi, who did the port to D5 adds : "Users of JVCL can alo replace StrUtils with jvStrUtils to compile for D5."
Special thanks go to: * Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel, who did a great fix in the FileCreate() function, and worked a lot on the visual feedback part. (see code) * Femi Fadayomi, who did add Delphi 5 support. * Robert Becker ([email protected]), who brought to us, hLog users, what was certainely the "most wanted" feature : HotLog can now be limited in size, and automatically opens a new file when a certain size limit is reached. * Guillaume Cornu, for fixing the GetRegValue() function ; * Oleg Danilov, who added the SetMemoLimit() procedure ; * Vittorio Loschi, who corrected the buggy SetFileName() procedure ; * "Sergue? who fixed a sometimes incorrect initialization ; * Jean-Philippe R. who tracked and fixed a bug occuring in "append" mode ;
... And to all those of you who sent suggestions or encouragements.
v 2.2 (2005-07-24 : Luis Gonzallo Constantini Von Rickel new enhancements, and bug correction : Faster Memo Cleanning, Stop Repainting During Process, and do the Scroll to the Last Line of the Memo. Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel TFileStream Object Creating is placed outside try...finally block to avoid Access Violation Exception if the object can not be created.
v 2.1 (2005-07-17 : Delphi 5 support added by Femi Fadayomi.)
v 2.0 (2005-07-10 : It eventually happened ! Thanks to Robert Becker, HotLog is now able to close the log file, and open a new one once a given limit is reached. Many thanks to him to have worked on that.)
v 1.6 (2005-03-31 : Correction of the GetRegValue() function by Guillaume Cornu, preventing attemps to read the byte [0] of a string. (Looking for it on the web, I can see that I never pushed it here, sorry about that.)
v 1.5 (2005-01-17 : One more enhancement by Oleg Danilov which allows to limit size of the memo (SetMemoLimit procedure)(Usefull if a program generates a HUGE output for a long time, or to avoid problems with the old versions of the TMemo component (32k limit)).
v 1.4 (2004-11-17 : Usefull workaround brought by Luis Gonzalo Constantini Von Rickel to override the limits of the FileCreate() function, in order to emulate the use of a flag other than "fmShareExclusive".) (See his explanations at the beginning of the writer thread.)
v 1.3 (2004-10-02 : THLFileDef.SetFileName() procedure corrected by Vittorio Loschi.)
v 1.2 (2004-07-05 : Correction of the "fast start" problem by "Sergue? : When using hLog just after the call to StartLogging the writer thread's queue could sometimes not yet exist, and the very first lines were lost.)
v 1.1 (2004-06-28 : Correction of a bug signaled by Jean-Philippe R. which occured in "append" mode, when the log file does not yet exist)
v 1.0 (2004-03-22 : Online.)