Status site is the application for monitoring the health of the servers and web services.
- Agent reporting system stats
- CPU load
- RAM usage*
- SWAP usage*
- Disk space usage*
- Number (and names) of processes*
- Collecting logs
- Capturing message, source, category and auxillary data
- Rich filtering tools
- Guard against log DoS
- Web service monitor
- Periodically access websites or ports
- Record responses
- Notifications
- Slack, email, telegram*, mattermost* and other providers*
- Different severities - with different frequencies
- Discrepancies
- Detect discrepancies in data points (gaps, high values, ping failures)
- Detect the start and end of discrepancy - not reported twice
- Badges
- System health
- Individual metrics
- Debian package tool to control the app
- Rich API
- Served as a docker composition - easy to install, configure and update
- Different databases for old and recent data
- Extensive documentation
* to be implemented
Detailed instruction can be found here.
Detailed instruction can be found here.
Detailed instruction can be found here.
Detailed instruction can be found here.
This project has started as a side project for the RedwoodEDA - a helper tool to monitor makerchip servers. It turned out to be much more sophisticated piece of software than was initially designed. It was decided to open source the project to give community a chance to develop it further.